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Regional State vs. Federal State for Colombia


Since the beginning of the Republic, in Colombia there has been a strong confrontation on the form of State to adopt, following the French and North American models; confrontation that regains validity in our times when the 1991 Constitution establishes the possibility of constituting regions in the country as territorial entities, which found a new model of State: the Regional. Undoubtedly, the Italian and French experiences on the subject have influenced our environment, where the clamor of the territorial entities that demand greater powers and a broader and more effective autonomy joins the debate on the convenience of adopting a form of State Federal, for some, or a Regional State, for others.


Autonomic communities, Parliamentary monarchy, Local autonomics, Parliamen tary, Been UnitaryGovernment of presidential

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Author Biography

Pedro Alonso Sanabria Buitrago

Professor of Constitutional Law, UPTC and U. Santo Tomás. Magister in Public Law Universities Externado (Colombia) and Salamanca (Spain). Student. Doctorate in Law Universities Externado (Colombia) and Stanford (United States).


  • AA.VV., 1995, Federalismo en Colombia: pasado y perspectivas. Bogotá, Universidad Externado de Colombia.
  • ASAMBLEA NACIONAL CONSTITUYENTE, 1991, Constitución Politica de Colombia, Bogotá, Presidencia de la República.
  • FERRANDO BADIA, Juan, 1986, El estado unitario, el federal y el estado autonómico, Madrid, Editorial Tecnos. MEZZETTI, Luca, 1995, "La Forma di gobernó tedesca", in Formedi gobernó e sistemi ele orall, a cura di Silvio Gambino, Padova, Cedam.
  • ....1999, Derecho Constitucional Comparado, Bolonia, Padova, Cedam.
  • NARANJO MESA Vladimiro, 2000, Teoria Constitucional e Instituciones Politicas, Octava Edición, Bogotá, Editorial Temis.
  • PÉREZ ESCOBAR, Jacobo, 1997, Derecho Constitucional Colombiano, Quinta Edición, Bogotá, Editorial Temis.


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