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Companies and human rights


The responsibility of transnational corporations on human rights have been in the centre of debate. Clearly, the room for maneuver of the multinationals have altered the own State sovereignty, and therefo re it is necessary to control the excesses. However, the proposed mechanisms in the international regime, are far from being really efficient and seems rather protect deviations, so it is necessary to work hard in limiting the actions of these companies, which have caused severe environmental damage


Multinational corporations, companies and human rights, international business regulations

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Bilchitz, D. (s.f.). El Marco Ruggie: una propuesta adecuada para las obligacionesde las empresas en derechos humanos. SurJournal, Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos (12). Recuperado de,artigo_10.htm

Ruggie, J. (2013). Just Business. Multinational Corporations and Human Rights.New York: Norton.

UN Human Rights Council (2008, April 7th). Promotion and protection of allhuman rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, includingthe right to development. Protect, Respect and Remedy: a Framework forBusiness and Human Rights, Report of the Special Representative of theSecretary-General on the issue of human rights and transnational corporationsand other business enterprises, John Ruggie. Retrieved from


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