Editorial. Political Culture 19th and 20th centuries. Discourse and tensions Olga Yanet Acuña Rodríguez PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Revolution, Republic, and Political Representation in Miguel de Pombo, 1811 Gilberto Loaiza Cano PDF (Español) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
Half a Century of Political Caricature: Mexico City, 1867-1911 Fausta Gantús PDF (Español) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
Is Catholicism Under Threat? Františka Plamínková’s Journey to Spain in 1927 Alejandro Camino PDF (Español) VIDEO (Español) XML (Español)
Women’s Participation in the 1958 Presidential Elections in Portugal Sérgio Campos PDF (Português (Brasil)) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
Prominence and Community Impact of the ANUC in Quinchía, Risaralda (1967-1980) Alberto Antonio Berón Ospina; Jefferson Jaramillo Marín PDF (Español) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
General José Ignacio Luque and the Scales of Astraea: State, Justice, and Politics in New Granada (1834- 1838) Roicer Alberto Flórez Bolívar, Francisco Flórez Bolívar PDF (Español) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
Artillery and Artillerymen in the Army of New Granada in the First Half of the 19th Century Luis Ervin Prado Arellano PDF (Español) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
«To anyone who wants to take them on their own»: Contracts and Contractors of Communication Routes in the State of Boyacá (Colombia), 1857-1886 Clara Ines Carreño-Tarazona, Giovanni Fernando Amado-Oliveros PDF (Español) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
Women in the Telegraph System in Colombia: Glimpses into Technical Training and Career Prospects, 1870-1930 Roger Pita Pico PDF (Español) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
Latin American history between speculation and interpretation: new/old perspectives Justo Cuño Bonito PDF (Español) XML (Español)