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1014 enforcement of entrepreneurship in the public and private schools: high and medium level career in the city of Villavicencio, Meta


This research will provide knowledge on progress in implementing the law of entrepreneurship. It identifies the performance in the training of entrepreneurs and similarly, we propose strategies for a real culture of enterprise in accordance with the provisions of existing regulations. In the current context of globalization of markets, the educational act should show orientation to the creation of enterprise, job creation, improved quality of life, economic stability and progress in the region.
Entrepreneurship and education are fundamental in the investigation, because basically what you are looking through it to form entrepreneurs. Interestingly, the definition expressed by the United Nations, that the concept of education includes a range of additional means by which they transmit the knowledge, values and specializations, and changed patterns of behavior (Formichella, 2004). (Torres Carbonel, 2002) states: "If education is the means by which achievement change
attitudes and behaviors, one could almost say that there is an absolute relationship between education and entrepreneurship, it's worth, then, think of educating entrepreneurs. There may be many entrepreneurs are born, but made sure that everyone needs and trained as such. " Undoubtedly, under these visionary positions, training for entrepreneurship is the basis for the
development and growth of nations. The exploratory and descriptive research design appropriate experimental is-not where the population is composed of 55 public and private institutions of secondary and intermediate vocational level in the city of Villavicencio - Meta


entrepreneurship, levels of education

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