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Threat assessment caused by mass removal in Jericó (Boyacá), during the winter of 2011


During the heavy rainy season in the first half of 2011 they were presented in the town of Jericó, Boyacá, Colombia, landslides phenomena with disastrous consequences. Heavy rains caused various phenomena of removal in five villages, of which La Estancia was affected by a landslide that covered about 360 hectares and produced the evacuation of many families. Now, several families have returned and it is required to establish the degree of threat present there. Some geological and geotechnical studies have been made to assess the current level of stability and to define the necessary actions to enable the zone to agricultural activities.


landslide, mass removal, stability, geotechnics, SIG

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  • González, G.A.J. (2000). Evaluación de amenaza, vulnerabilidad
  • González, G.A.J. (2006). Ecuaciones del sistema semi-cuantitativo de evaluación de estabilidad de zonas homogéneas (SES) para uso en sistemas de información geográfica (SIG). Cartagena: XI congreso colombiano de geotecnia.
  • IDEAM (2014). Base de datos climatológicos: precipitación
  • Ingeominas (1983). Geología de la extremidad sur de la
  • Ingeominas (2001). Zonificación integral por amenazas
  • Rocscience (2003). Slide User´s Guide. Toronto: Rocscience
  • UPTC Escuela de Ingeniería Geológica. (2015). Determinación
  • Vargas, V. G. (1999). Guía técnica para la zonificación de la susceptibilidad y la amenaza por movimientos en masa. Villavicencio: Cooperación Colombo-Alemana GTZ-Secretaría del Medio Ambiente. Proyecto Río Guatiquía.


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