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Application of the geochemical methods in the study of Mazur deposit, Azov, Ukraine


This work exposes the obtained results to study the complex of rocks and the structures of the Mazur deposit, in the region of Azov, the Ukraine. A valuation becomes of the used methods, as well as of the geology of the study region and the characterization geochemistry of the aureoles detect in the deposit and, finally, a brief exhbition becomes of the result obtained during the prospecting and the exploration, in this type of rare metal deposit. Astudy was made prognosis and favorable sites for the perforation and
extraction of the found aureoles sited out, that mainly they corresponded to the elemets niobium and zirconium, that soun resources of great importance and industrial use. This work sets the standars to apply the geochemistry methods non singular for the search of rare elements, but also to solve other tasks
like search of hydrothermals deposits, prospecting, Geophysical exploration as well as in tasks hidrogeological for determine the elements of underground water.


geochemistry methods, aureole, metals rares, Mazur, Ukraine

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  • Alekseenko, V. (2000): Métodos geoquimicos en la exploracion de los yacimientos minerales.
  • Nosach, S. (2000): Investigaciones en la estructura de los campos geoquímicos del yacimiento Mazur, para pronosticar mineralización en la profundidad.
  • Tolstoy, M. (1975): Bases de los métodos geoquímicos en la búsqueda de los yacimeintos matalíferos.


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