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Trends and strategies in sustainable maritime transport: insights from global research


The green shipping faces ongoing challenges in meeting the demands of international trade with an environmental focus, driven by international regulations and negative impacts of the shipping industry on the environment. The purpose of this review is to examine research and strategies related to green shipping through a scientific mapping approach. Bibliometric tools such as R-Studio, Bibliometrix, ToS, and Gephi in graph theory were employed to represent the field's structure and trends. A total of 238 publications were selected from the Scopus database, covering the period between 2004 and 2023. The results highlight highly relevant themes, including optimizing maritime routes, adopting clean fuels, sustainable navigation policies, and modernizing the fleet of vessels. The strategic pillars to be implemented also emphasize the importance of business logistics, emission reduction, and increased productivity.


green corridors, pollutant emissions, sustainable transportation, logistics


Author Biography

Paola Marcela Alzate-Montoya

Estudiante Doctorado en Ingeniería

Valentina Giraldo-Ospina

Estudiante de Administración Financiera.

Pedro Duque-Hurtado

Doctor en Administración.


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