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The collaborative network approach for the analysis of the National Agricultural Innovation System in Colombia


The study analyzed the collaboration network of the National Agricultural Innovation System (NAIS) in Colombia, to identify key actors and performance of functions. A survey to management and/or coordination staff of educational and research institutions, support actors and intermediaries, and companies that are part of the NAIS was applied. As a result, the overall collaboration network highlights the participation of key actors in its four dimensions, evidencing broad opportunities for interaction and sectoral competitiveness. The actor-function relationship shows dense networks with the role of key actors that can perform several functions in parallel. It is concluded that some functions are more lagging behind in terms of the participation of important actors at the national level, such as: market development, resource mobilization and political and institutional support. However, collaboration networks generate opportunities for co-innovation partnerships, given that they present a higher density of relationships and a significant number of relationships.

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Author Biography

Carlos Julián Ramírez-Gómez

Ingeniero Agrónomo, Doctor en Ingeniería de la Organización.

Julia Sánchez-Gómez

Licenciada en Economía Agrícola, Doctora en problemas económicos agroindustriales.


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