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The double is one of the predominant structures in fantastic orientation narratives. Not only is it related to theories of the fantastic in its conceptual articulation; it also inherits the same problems of context and dissemination of categories. This ar


The double is one of the predominant structures in fantastic orientation narratives. Not only is it related to theories of the fantastic in its conceptual articulation; it also inherits the same problems of context and dissemination of categories. This article approaches the double as part of a study on fantastic literature in the context of postmodern narratives. For this, the following axes will be considered: multiple concep- tions of the fantastic given since the mid-twentieth century; the transition from modern to postmodern representation; the coincidence between postmodern narrative and representation of the double; the convergence of duplicities; the social double; the double and gender relations, the inefficiency of binary representation, and the deformation of literary doubles in parody and ontological instability


duplicity, multiplicity, disintegration of the being, extreme dialogism, fragmentation

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