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Focus and scope

Perspectiva Geográfica is a scientific journal, open access and continuous publication, in two issues per year (per volume), dedicated to the publication of original articles, systematic reviews, technical notes and reviews in English, Portuguese and Spanish, in the area of geography. The main themes of the journal are:

  1. Study of practices, representations and spatial formations: it pays particular attention to the spatiality of society and its urban, rural, rururban, transitional and regional organization, among others, as well as to the production of space and the socio-spatial and socio-territorial processes that take place therein.
  2. Environmental geographic studies: it involves the integrated study of the landscape and its processes of formation and transformation, climate change, risk, its construction and management, in conjunction with the various national and transnational socioeconomic processes.
  3. Critical geographies of contemporary crises: it seeks to contribute to the construction and consolidation of a Colombian geography, articulating itself to contemporary Latin American thought and to the current global concerns and trends of geographic science.
  4. Territorial management, earth observation and new technologies: it studies the processes of territorial planning, development and management at different scales, applying geospatial technologies in the production of knowledge and the solution of biophysical, risk, economic and social problems, as well as new information and communication technologies.
  5. Geography, teaching and education: it is interested in seeking ways to think, build and move, in a collaborative manner, towards new ways of teaching and learning geography, as well as the usefulness of this science to energize and update the processes of education in general.

All manuscripts in the journal are selected through a “double-blind” evaluation system, in which active researchers and expert reviewers in each subject participate. The journal, by its scientific nature, is an international forum in Geography and is aimed at researchers, university professors, undergraduate and graduate students, and any reader who wants to be informed about recent research and current discussions in the disciplines covered by the journal.

Perspectiva Geográfica publishes its articles in immediate open access, in PDF format and in XML JATS, but under the diamond model, that is, it does not charge its authors for publishing in any of the phases of the publication process (no Article Processing Charges - No APC) because it is fully funded by the Editorial of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC) and by the Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (IGAC) within the framework of the agreement of the Estudios de Posgrado en Geografía (EPG).

The Creative Commons license used by the journal in its published articles is CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (attribution, non-commercial and no derivative works).