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Publication Process

Perspectiva Geográfica has a publication process that takes place in three stages:

1) Content management, which encompasses all the processes of calling for authors for regular editions and for special (thematic) editions, and evaluation by external peers through the “double blind” system;

2) Editorial production, which is the stage in which all approved manuscripts undergo professional editing, in its different stages: enlistment of approved originals, proofreading, verification and insertion of corrections, design and layout of corrected texts, reading and comparison of layout proofs and, finally, verification and approval of final versions;

3) Post-publication, which has to do with all the technical processes of markup to generate other formats for reading the journal (PDF and XML JATS), complementary formats (e.g. videos, podcasts, infographics, etc.), indexing of published content in indexes, databases, directories or repositories, as well as altimetrics (plumX, dimensions, etc.), to increase the visibility of the journal.

In order to submit a manuscript to this publication process, there are some essential conditions and concepts that interested authors should take into account.

Conditions for submission of manuscripts

Submission. All manuscripts to be submitted for publication in the journal must be uploaded to the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform, here:

To formalize any submission, it is necessary that authors attach the following documents:


  • Letter of commitment
  • Publication rights license

Originality. The journal seeks the publication of original articles, which have not been previously published by other journals or publishers, and whose rights are not compromised for publication. Authors are asked to refrain from submitting articles that have already been published by other formal means, or that at the time of submission are being evaluated by other academic journals. 

Likewise, the use of texts from other sources or authors, images or graphic components (figures, tables, etc.) already published and without due authorization to reproduce or publish them in a manuscript of their own, are not acceptable. Authors are requested to take special care not to infringe copyrights of protected works or texts and to avoid unauthorized use.

Similarity check (anti-plagiarism software). All manuscripts submitted to the journal, once they have completed their documentation verification phase to formally enter the process, will be subjected to a review with Turnitin (anti-plagiarism software) to detect if there is any similarity or potentially improper use of other sources. If so, the authors must clarify, correct or there is also the possibility that the manuscript will be rejected at this stage, if any serious problem in its originality or copyright is detected. 

Pre-publication in repositories (pre-prints). The journal supports open science practices, so the publication of manuscripts as pre-prints, in an area repository or an open access repository, is allowed. However, if authors have made such a publication in a repository, they should inform the journal and provide the specific location data (DOI, URL) of that non-peer-reviewed version of the manuscript.

Simultaneous submission, content reliability and ethics. Authors submitting a manuscript to the journal must declare in the letter of commitment (download form) that the manuscript has not been submitted simultaneously to another journal or publisher for publication. Authors must commit themselves to wait for the journal to make a decision on the manuscript before submitting it to another publication (if it is the case, when the manuscript is rejected).

Likewise, authors must declare that the manuscript has been carried out under criteria of research ethics, respect for copyrights and following principles of scientific integrity; any ethical dilemma or inconvenience in this regard will be the responsibility of the authors.

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier). For the journal, registration in ORCID is a requirement that all authors must comply with; Perspectiva Geográfica does not process submissions from authors who are not registered in ORCID. Registration is done at the following link:  

In the ORCID registration process, Perspectiva Geográfica requires at least three fields to be completed: institutional affiliation (Employment), academic degrees (Education and qualifications) and publications (Works). These fields should be made public, for the sake of transparency on the part of the authors.

In the letter of commitment, all authors must provide their ORCID and include their primary work affiliation, with which they will appear in the manuscript, if approved for publication.

Authorship.  The journal considers that an author, according to the criteria proposed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), is one who meets the following four conditions:

  1. Makes substantive contributions to the conception or design of a paper or to the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data in a paper.
  2. Is one who writes a paper or critically reviews it and contributes substantial intellectual content to it.
  3. Approves the final version of the work to be published.
  4. Is responsible for all the contents of the work and can answer all the questions that arise about its accuracy, completeness, or any part of the work.

Before submitting a manuscript to the journal, authors should know and follow these criteria that define what an author is and thus avoid the inclusion of authors who are not authors or the elimination of others. 

Authors' contributions

In order to establish, without ambiguity, the contributions of each author in a manuscript, a list of the contributions of each author should be sent, according to the CRediT taxonomy.

The CRediT taxonomy has 14 criteria that are used to indicate the roles of the authors:


Data curation

Formal analysis

Funding acquisition



Project administration






Writing (original draft)

Writing (review & editing) 

Such contributions should be recorded in a paragraph, including the name of each author and their roles according to CRediT. Here is an example:

Author contributions

Carlos Rodriguez: conceptualization, formal analysis, research, resources, supervision, writing (original draft), writing (draft review and revision/proofreading; Sandra Perez: data curation, formal analysis, resource acquisition, research, methodology, software, visualization, writing (original draft), writing (draft review and revision/proofreading; Laura Sanchez: conceptualization, project management, resources, writing (original draft), writing (draft review and revision/proofreading.

Direct consultation of the CRediT taxonomy and its details can be found on the following page:

Changes in the author group

Changes in the group of authors of an article with respect to its submission version must be fully justified and explained. Preferably, changes in co-authorship, either to add new authors or to eliminate others, should be avoided.

However, if under some special circumstances, authors wish to make a modification in the authorship group, they should send a letter to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal, explaining the context of the modification and their arguments. This letter must be signed by all the co-authors of the manuscript and by the author directly affected or involved; all must express their agreement with respect to the proposed modification.

The corresponding author is responsible for sending the letter. However, the letter should be sent with a copy to the personal mailboxes of each of the co-authors and the journal will make an individual verification with each co-author about the contents of the letter.

If this is not done in a correct and consensual manner, changes in co-authorship can lead to serious problems of ethics, copyright infringement, with legal and even criminal repercussions for the parties involved.

Finally, in the face of an unresolved dilemma about co-authorship or not adequately justified by the authors, the journal may decide not to publish the manuscript and close its process, in any of its stages, unilaterally.

Correspondence author

In the case of manuscripts with more than one author, a corresponding author must be designated, who is the one who must interact with the journal constantly in all phases of the publication process: editorial filter, peer review, substantive and formal corrections, production readiness, style correction, design and layout, and post-publication.

The corresponding author, in addition to providing his/her unique bibliographic name, ORCID and current institutional affiliation and e-mail, must send a physical address for institutional correspondence (not personal) with nomenclature (career/street), city and country.

Institutional affiliation

All authors of a manuscript must declare their institutional affiliation. In this affiliation they can give details of the specific academic area to which they belong (e.g., department, faculty, school, etc.), the name of the main organization or institution (e.g., university, research center, etc.), the city and country in which the institution is located, and the institutional e-mail address (preferably). 

If one or more authors wish to include more than one institutional affiliation they may do so and should designate each affiliation with a superscript number. If these affiliations coincide for several authors, the respective superscript should be linked for each co-author. Example:

Carlos Rodriguez-Hernandez 1,2, Sandra Perez2, Laura Sanchez3, Michael Sullivan1, 3.

1 First affiliation, city and country

2 Second affiliation, city and country

3 Third affiliation, city and country

It is suggested, however, to avoid the inclusion of multiple affiliations and to select the main one, the one directly involved with the manuscript, for example, that of the funding entity.

Likewise, if you want to change the affiliation of an author of a manuscript after submission, you should send a letter explaining the reasons for the change and certifying, from the legal representative or an authority of the previous institution, that the work has not compromised its patrimonial rights through a project or specific funding.

The journal will analyze each case of a request for change of affiliation in particular, make individual verifications when appropriate, and make a final decision on these requests; an appeal, in this sense, not fully justified or resolved by the authors could also prevent the publication of a manuscript.

Author fees and access. Perspectiva Geográfica does not charge authors in any of the phases of the publication process, that is, publishing in the journal is free, it does not have APC (Article Processing Charges).

Likewise, the journal has no embargo period in the publication, it is of immediate open access in all its approved articles, under the “diamond” model; its financing comes from resources of the Editorial of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC) and the Instituto Geográfico Agustín Codazzi (Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute).

Copyright and Creative Commons licenses. The authors maintain the patrimonial rights over the approved manuscripts but grant a license to Perspectiva Geográfica and Editorial UPTC, which allows their publication for the entire term of their legal protection and in all territories.

On the other hand, Perspectiva Geográfica publishes its articles under a Creative Commons 4.0 BY-NC-ND license (attribution, non-commercial, no derivative works).

Digital preservation. Perspectiva Geográfica and Editorial UPTC will guarantee that all published content will be preserved over time, so that each issue or volume can be retrieved and consulted in the long term, even if an editorial project is discontinued, and in accordance with its policy of information security and support and maintenance of its electronic platforms.

Editorial UPTC considers that its catalog of works and its collection of scientific journals are part of the intellectual heritage of the university and of the disciplines in which it contributes to validate, disseminate, divulge and preserve knowledge.

Thus, the issues and volumes of the journal are part of the international digital preservation project of PKP Preservation Network. For more information:   

Self-archiving. Perspectiva Geográfica allows the self-archiving of manuscripts that are submitted in their pre-prints stage (before peer review) and in the editor's version or in the final version in which the manuscript has been published.

The journal requests, however, that wherever the article published in the journal is deposited or self-archived, the complete reference is included, with its respective DOI (Digital Object Identifier), so that the interested user or reader can consult the article, if preferred, directly on the official site of the journal.