Didactic sequence: problem solving fraction part-everything and operator in personal learning environment grade 6º Roberto Alejandro Niño Betancourt, José Antonio Chacón Benavídez PDF (Español)
The didactic sequence as a strategy for strengthening metric thinking, through the use of the home-school garden and the PhET Yicela Heredia Lagos López, José Weymar González Pulido PDF (Español)
Importance of research in the approach to reading experiences: teachers’ and students’ narratives Carmen Helena Mateus Ojeda, Viviana Paola Cristancho Carvajal, Camila Fernanda Rojas Romero, Gabriel Santiago Rodríguez Vargas, Sonia Lucía Romero Alfonso PDF (Español)
Educational system contrasts between Ecuador and Colombia Estrella Maribel Cuenca Cabrera, Maritza del Carmen Torres Gutiérrez, Rosa Aurora Torres Gutiérrez, Israel Alfonso Moreno Pinzón PDF (Español)