Guarapo consumption and alcohol dependence in the Monjas Bajo village, Moniquirá-Boyacá 2023
Objective: to recognize some of the consumption patterns and determinants that are directly related to the intake of a fermented drink, guarapo, in a sample drawn from the rural population of the municipality of Moniquirá, Boyacá. As well as the possible alcohol dependence related to this consumption. Materials and methods: Two instruments were used: a survey form composed of 11 items to characterize the population and the AUDIT questionnaire. Through sequential convenience sampling, 30 people were interviewed directly in the territory. Results: average age of 56.43 years; 80% male; All of the people surveyed classify themselves as being in the low socioeconomic stratum; 96.6% have poor schooling with studies less than basic secondary school; 63.33% started consuming guarapo at an age between 10 and 15 years; 80% of the people surveyed consume 60 or more liters of guarapo monthly; one person (3.3%) has frequently presented gaps; 80% of those surveyed let the guarapo ferment for 8 days or more and 59.3 had a medium and high risk of alcohol dependence. Conclusions: Among the risk factors identified are: male sex, low socioeconomic status, low schooling, being a farmer as an occupation and the generational tradition of consumption as a basis to promote this lifestyle in the rural population of Moniquirá. Likewise, the results of the AUDIT showed a percentage of 59.9 for medium and high risk, showing that guarapo is a drink that could be contributing to the consolidation of alcohol dependence present in the community.
Fermented Beverages, Alcoholism, Liver Cirrhosis Alcoholic, Toxicity
Author Biography
Leidy Johana Giraldo Sangregorio
Internal Physician. Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia
Karen Paola Barrios Mendez
Internal Physician. Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia
Jesús David Araujo Monje
Internal Physician. Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia
Juan Camilo Abril Patiño
Internal Physician. Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia
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