The use of information and communication technologies in the scrennig of depression associated with psychoactive substance use Gladys Edith Villalobos, Luis Agreda, Laura Espitia, Yerli Ortegón, Omar García PDF (Español)
Adherence to traditional masculinity roles and their relationship with alcohol and cigarette consumption in male inhabitants of the city of Tunja Geydi Katherine Galindo Ascanio, Diana Paola González Moreno PDF (Español)
Retinoblastoma: childhood cancer Olga Vanessa Manrique Arizmendi, Fred Gustavo Manrique Abril, Bibiana Matilde Bernal-Gomez PDF (Español)
Peripartum cardiomyopathy Laura Daniela Cárdenas Casallas, Amanecer Rueda Monsalbe, Diego Andrés Castañeda Martínez, Erika Eliana Pinilla Romero PDF (Español)
In scrubs and boots, the physician beyond the hospital: the experience of family medicine residents in an urban community Maira Alejandra León Solarte, Nathalia Lucía Jaime Martínez PDF (Español)
The genogram and the ecomap as assessment tools in family medicine: a community experience Astrid Rocío Rocio Melo Guarín, Aida Faizully Pedraza Orjuela PDF (Español)