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In vitro compatibility of Trichoderma asperellum with isotianil and pesticides of chemical and organic origin

Optical microscopy at 40x magnification of a germinated conidia of Trichoderma asperellum.  Photo: C.A. Dodino-Gutiérrez


Synthetic pesticides are used to reduce the adverse effect of pests on the crops, although their indiscriminate use causes environmental pollution and harmful effects on soil microorganisms. The use of Trichoderma sp. is established as an alternative for the control of plant diseases and reduction of negative effects of the employment of pesticides through its combination with chemical agents. This study evaluated the inhibition percentage in vitro and germination conidia of Trichoderma asperellum after exposure to isotianil and chemical and organic pesticides by means of the technique poisoned food and inoculation in water agar. The assay was carried out in a completely randomized experimental design, data were subjected to analysis of variance and means were compared using the LSD Fisher P<0.01 test. Cinnamomun verum extract (1,050 µL L-1) and the defense inducer isotianil (2,200 µL L-1) were found to be harmless to T. asperellum presenting a mycelial growth inhibition percentage (PI) of 0.33±0.73 and 1.92±1.09, respectively; chili bell pepper-garlic extract (400 µL L-1) and azoxystrobin (750 µL L-1) were slightly toxic with a PI of 37.5±11.6 and 45.9±1.56; while glyphosate (6,480 µL L-1), mancozeb (26,666 mg L-1), difenoconazole (1,562 µL L-1) and fenpropimorph (24,200 µL L-1) were toxic with a PI of 100%. The results on conidia germination showed that chili bell pepper and garlic extract, C. verum extract and isotianil allowed more than 83% of their germination, unlike glyphosate and azoxystrobin that only allowed the germination of 48.8 and 33.9% of the conidia. The chemical fungicides mancozeb, difenoconazole and fenpropimorph showed negative effects causing less than 2% of germination. These results suggest the development of future studies for the joint application of native strains of Trichoderma sp. with pesticides of chemical and organic origin with the objective of evaluating their compatibility and using them jointly in the integrated pest management of crops in the region.


Antagonist, Biological control, Compatibility, Plaguicides



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