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Formation (Bildung) and the appropriation of tradition in technological times


This article aims to discuss the concept of formation (Bildung) according to HansGeorg Gadamer and the interconnections with authors present in his discussions, such as Apel and Hegel. By approaching the issue of appropriation of tradition, Theunissen (2001) enables one to state it occurs much prior to perceiving the current understanding that is taking place in the live tradition. Subsequently, this article connects Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) with formation (Bildung), which leads to the perception that we are living a time of the occurrence of understanding and of new postures that gradually also form a tradition to those born within this setting. Our role is unveiling the pre-history of this age we are living, based on immersing in language, so that we may bring to the surface this way of being virtual and technological that has already been part of the new generations, the digital natives, since their birth. For this reason, one may attest that it is impossible to have some type of formation (Bildung) outside the tradition in which it is constituted.



formation, understanding, tradition, language, ICTs

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