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Different modes of existence in graduate studies: care practice between health and education


The article presents different ways (or possibilities) of producing research in the field of health and education, based on authors from the field of contemporary French philosophy, in particular Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Étienne Souriau. Our intention, when reporting the research experiences (and in process), was to point to multiplicity as a potency for new care practices, either in health or education (the focus of this text), as well as new ways of existence, guided by continuous assujeitamentos and desassujeitamentos. The research presented here is being developed in the scope of two graduate programs at a public Brazilian university and seeks to resonate to (make us) think and launch some possible propositions by tracing lines that, in some way, may cross the two investigations in what we will call the economy of care. The questions presented here seek, finally, to instigate other possible productions at the intersections - not trivial - between different areas of knowledge.

Keywords: Caring practices. Modes of existence. Health. Education


caring practices, modes of existence, health, education

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