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The political dimension of the ritornelo: The creation of a Body without Organs. Notes


This paper seeks to show some notes of approximation to the political dimension of the deleuzian concept of "ritornelo", therefore, the analysis presented does not have conclusive character, since it aims to demonstrate an implicit problem: the expression of the political dimension of the ritornelo in its relation with the body. In our point of view, that relation would show the act of resistance as a political alternative. For that, on the first part of our work, we will point out some characteristics of the ritornelo that, in our opinion, are essential for understanding its political dimension. On the second part, we present some notes that allow us to make an approach to the ritornelo's political dimension, and the way it is related to the creation of the Body without Organs, problematizing said relation and showing how it is articulated from the resistance as a political alternative. This route will allow us to demonstrate in the conclusion part of this work, that there is a relation between the ritornelo and the Body without Organs, and that it is only because of its manifestation in the body that its political dimension can be expressed.


ritornelo, territorialization, Body without Organs, creation act, intermezzo

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