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Orality in the civil process as an evolution of the princi ples governing the process


Through the implementation of orality and work focused on solving its possible insufficiencies, we will have in Colombia a complete oral system that allows a true effectiveness of the administration of justice, since it is not about obtaining quick and independent processes of the result, In addition to justifying the change, it is necessary to seek justice in these litigation, and the best way to do this is by bringing immediacy to the entire process as a guarantee of effective judicial protection and due process in civil matters.


eficacia, oralidad, implementacion, justicia, corrupcion

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Author Biography

Edisson Gonzalo Porras

Abogado. Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia; Candidato a Magíster en Derecho Proce sal. Universidad Externado de Colombia. Especialista en Instituciones Jurídico - Procesales. Universi dad Nacional de Colombia. Director del semillero. Ponencia de la UPTC de Tunja en el XXXI Congreso de Derecho Procesal, Cartagena, 2010.


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