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Colombia and Venezuela: two countries, one people A comparative analysis of the evolution of the Human Development Index

Derecho y Realidad


This paper is a review and comparative analysis of the human development index between the States of Colombia and Venezuela, which invites us to make a quantitative reflection about the way in which these two nations have placed themselves in this important index. of measurement, and from the analysis given by this program of the United Nations for development is addressed in a historical way the concept of development, so that based on it is comparatively and statistically identified the phases of comparative evolution of these two nations in the Development context.


Social welfare, Economic growth, Integrated development, Participatory development, Human development

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Author Biography

John Maximino Muñoz Téllez

Magister (c) Master in Human Development - FLACSO Argentina, Lawyer National University of Colombia. Investigator. Advisor to the Land Restitution Unit, Republic of Colombia.

Daniel Rigoberto Bernal Gómez

Doctor of Law (c) National University of Mar del Plata Argentina, Master in Administrative Law Free University, Lawyer National University of Colombia. Research Professor Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, Santo Tomas University Tunja Sectional.



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