A software pilot application to calculate the parameters involved in subsidiaries interconnection based on FSO technology

Free Space Optics (FSO) technology transmits information using free space optical signals similar to those that travel through optical fibers. The capacity of FSO to connect buildings close together is covered in this paper. Four optical wireless links between three buildings of a fictitious company, considering a building that obstructs the sight line between two of them, are designed here. As part of the design process, several issues such as distance between the equipment, weather conditions, some features of the FSO equipment, and system losses were addressed; moreover, an application that performs the calculations and displays the results of the most important aspects in the design was implemented. The importance of such links is given by their flexibility, low implementation costs, mobility, rapid deployment, high throughput, great bandwidth, reliability, and high security level due to their operating principles, among others; therefore, this type of links are an ideal option to implement a backbone for the proposed network.
atmospheric attenuation, backbone, FSO technology, geometric attenuation, link margin, optical wireless access, subsidiary interconnection
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