Fault and load flows analysis of electricity transmission and distribution system in Casanare (Colombia) Juan Carlos Castro-Galeano, Wilson Javier Cabra-Sarmiento, Jhony Fernando Ortiz-Portilla 9-21 Abstract 1725 PDF 950 XML 123 PDF XML
Supply chain optimization with variable demand by considering financial criteria and scenarios John Willmer Escobar 23-34 Abstract 1599 PDF 1110 XML 11 PDF XML
Use of thermal water as a natural coagulant for domestic wastewater sustainable treatment Javier Andrés Quintero-Jaramillo, Walter Murillo-Arango, Ivonne Ximena Cerón-Salazar 35-45 Abstract 1782 PDF 1171 XML 29 PDF XML
Detection of lies by facial thermal imagery analysis Sebastián Bedoya-Echeverry, Hernán Belalcázar-Ramírez, Humberto Loaiza-Correa, Sandra Esperanza Nope-Rodríguez, Carlos Rafael Pinedo-Jaramillo, Andrés David Restrepo-Girón 47-59 Abstract 1956 PDF 1044 XML 32 PDF XML
Characterization of copper smelter slag and recovery of residual metals from these residues Luver Echeverry-Vargas, Néstor Ricardo Rojas-Reyes, Edgar Estupiñán 61-71 Abstract 1737 PDF 1227 XML 14 PDF XML
Warehousing and transportation logistics of mango in Colombia: A system dynamics model Javier Arturo Orjuela-Castro, Milton Mauricio Herrera-Ramírez, Wilson Adarme-Jaimes 73-86 Abstract 3424 PDF 2168 XML 58 PDF XML
Traffic model for the interconnection of networks and operators using MPLS-TE Carlos Mario Restrepo, Octavio José Salcedo-Parra, Juan Manuel Sánchez-Céspedes 87-96 Abstract 1374 PDF 898 XML 8 PDF XML
Computational simulation of concentration by osmotic evaporation of passion fruit juice (Passiflora edullis) Freddy Forero-Longas, Adriana Patricia Pulido-Díaz, Kelly Johana Pedroza-Berrio 97-111 Abstract 1395 PDF 1124 XML 51 PDF XML
A memetic algorithm for minimizing the makespan in the Job Shop Scheduling problem Henry Lamos-Díaz, Karin Aguilar-Imitola, Yuleiny Tatiana Pérez-Díaz, Silvia Galván-Núñez 113-123 Abstract 1596 PDF 955 XML 13 PDF XML
Spin Coating technique for obtaining nanometric thin films in the system La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 Jenny Alejandra Mera-Córdoba, María Angélica Mera-Córdoba, Carlos Arturo Córdoba-Barahona 125-133 Abstract 1352 PDF 1368 XML 5 PDF XML
Synthetic fuel production from shredded scrap waste Iván Ernesto Barragán-Gutiérrez, Alfonso López-Díaz, Wolfgang Krumm 135-145 Abstract 930 PDF 923 XML 29 PDF XML
A software pilot application to calculate the parameters involved in subsidiaries interconnection based on FSO technology Jorge Enrique Salamanca, Danilo Alfonso López-Sarmiento, Adriana Patricia Gallego-Torres 147-156 Abstract 877 PDF 775 XML 81 PDF XML
Best practices of interoperability among heterogeneous software systems: a Semat-based representation Diana María Torres-Ricaurte, Carlos Mario Zapata-Jaramillo 157-166 Abstract 1295 PDF 925 XML 14 PDF XML
Assessing the behavior of machine learning methods to predict the activity of antimicrobial peptides Francy Liliana Camacho, Rodrigo Torres-Sáez, Raúl Ramos-Pollán 167-180 Abstract 1530 PDF 3233 XML 6 PDF XML