Interpretability in the Field of Plant Disease Detection: A Review Daniel-David Leal-Lara, Julio Barón-Velandia, Camilo-Enrique Rocha-Calderón e13495 Abstract 607 PDF 562 XML 34 PDF XML
Using Decision Trees to Predict Critical Reading Performance. Andrea Timaran-Buchely, Silvio-Ricardo Timarán-Pereira, Arsenio Hidalgo-Troya e13792 Abstract 378 PDF 272 XML 27 PDF XML
Analysis of Satellite Images Using Deep Learning Techniques and Remotely Piloted Aircraft for a Detailed Description of Tertiary Roads Maria-Camila Moreno-Vergara, Brayan-Daniel Sarmiento-Iscala, Fabián-Enrique Casares-Pavia, Yerson-Duvan Angulo-Rodríguez, Danilo-José Morales-Arenales e13816 Abstract 431 PDF 301 XML 33 PDF XML
Conceptions and Perceptions of Software Industry Professionals on Team Productivity in Agile Software Development: A Comparative Study Sandra-Marcela Guerrero-Calvache, Giovanni Hernández e13817 Abstract 677 PDF 357 XML 32 PDF XML
Application of Spatial Data Science on Results of the Saber 5 Test Gabriel-Elías Chanchí-Golondrino, Monica-Esther Ospino-Pinedo, Luis-Freddy Muñoz-Sanabria e13823 Abstract 428 PDF 237 XML 30 PDF XML
Business Intelligence for the Programs of the Secretaries of Health, Education and Planning in a Territorial Entity Maria-Alejandra Varona-Taborda, Jorge-Cesar Mosquera-Ramírez, César-Augusto Medina-Moreno, Diego-Fernando Lemus-Muñoz, Carlos-Julián Muñoz-Hernandez, Christian-Gustavo Arias-Iragorri e13826 Abstract 700 PDF 446 XML 30 PDF XML
Comparison of Kernel Functions in the Classification of Irradiance Zones from Multispectral Satellite Images Dalila-Mercedes Pachajoa, Héctor Mora-Paz, Dagoberto Mayorca-Torres e13845 Abstract 321 PDF 193 XML 35 PDF XML