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Green supply chain in a Colombian textile company


This article aims to enunciate some logistic practices within the process of selection and evaluation of suppliers in a company of the textile sector in Bogotá. We hope to contribute to the improvement of the current process, through the inclusion of environmental factors and the determination of key strategies for converting local suppliers into global.


green supply chain, textile sector, competitiveness, logistics, purchasing and supply

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Supplementary File(s)

Figura 1.Eslabones de la cadena de abastecimiento de sector textil y confección (Español)

Author Biography

Pablo Cesar Ocampo-Vélez

Ingeniero Industrial Universidad Autonoma de Colombia, Master in Management of Logistics Systems, Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne, Suiza.

Estudiante de doctorado en Gestion Estrategica y Negocios Internacionales, Universidad de Sevilla, Espana.


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