Impacto del transporte de carga en el ambiente de Ciudad Juárez y revisión de dispositivos de reducción de carga aerodinámica para camiones pesados Shehret Tilvaldyev, Uzziel Caldiño Herrera, José Omar Dávalos Ramírez, Manuel Alejandro Lira Martínez PDF
Characterization of the logistical capacities in the strawberry producing agricultural associations in the municipalities of Soacha and Sibaté Laura Nataly Barrera Bello, Yuli Andrea Sandoval Cifuentes, Erika Gisseth Gallego Pinzón, Arturo Yesid Córdoba Berrio, Carlos Eduardo Castro Mateus
Methodology for the mitigation of risks in the improvement of tertiary roads in Cundinamarca, Colombia Juan Sebastián Sánchez Estrada PDF (Español)
Analysis of methodologies applied to risk management in software development projects in Colombia Paola Andrea Arias Murcia, Roberto Ferro Escobar, Alexandra Abuchar Porras PDF (Español)
Design of a SDR ground station for Low-orbit satellites Jaime Enrique Orduy Rodríguez, Iván Felipe Rodríguez Barón, Cristian Andrés Cubillos Chaparro PDF (Español)
Exploratory phase of formulation of a social responsibility model for the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada Anny Astrid Espitia Cubillos, Sergio Raúl Quintero Rodríguez PDF (Español)
Review of the diagnosis of production water treatment in Colombian petroleum fields Angie Tatiana Ortega Ramírez, Yurleni Fernanda Arcila, Laura Marcela Vargas Díaz PDF (Español)