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Queuing theory in research practice: generation of probabilistic models for waiting lines


The generation and application of probabilistic models are required to make assertive decisions based on data associated with user access and service times in various organizations. The objective was to analyze the waiting line system of the central library of a university, using parameters designed to measure its performance. The methodology included quantitative techniques focused on a cross-sectional design. The information was collected with an observation grid and counting the number of students who entered the library in 10 minute periods to carry out consultation activities. Probability models were adjusted with the data to describe the operation of the system. The results showed that it operated stably, with short waiting times and relevant service times. It was concluded that the analyzed library system achieved a high percentage (89.06%) of use by the students during the observed hours.


queuing theory, probability models, performance measures, forecast

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Author Biography

Víctor Miguel Ángel Burbano-Pantoja

Licenciado en Matemáticas, Magíster en Ciencias-estadística, Doctor en Ciencias de la Educación

Margoth Adriana Valdivieso-Miranda

Licenciada en Matemáticas, Magíster en Ciencias-estadística

Ángela Saray Burbano-Valdivieso

Bióloga, Maestrante en Ciencias-Biología, Tecnóloga en programación de sistemas


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