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Killing Desire in Ensayo de un crimen [The Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz]


Ensayo de un crimen [The Criminal Life of Archibaldo de la Cruz ] is an adaptation by Luis Buñuel
of the novel with the same title by Rodolfo Usigli. The main of this paper is to examine how narrative
strategies move from the novel to the film. The methodology is developed by means of the chronotopes
established by M.M. Bakhtin, and also it is organized due the categorization of order, duration, and
frequency by Gerard Genette. The result of this study shows that the criminal desire comes from main
characters’ Oedipal complex. NEvertheless, in the novel it is observed that criminal desire is also arising
from social disputes


artistic crime, Buñuel, incest, criminal desire, Usigli

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