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Autofiction and Survival


This article discusses the concept of autofiction as an ambiguous pact between writing and life, between the reading and the survival of identity residues. It has to do with hybrid narratives that occupy a mobile place between novel and autobiography. These fragments of experience and self-writing have the role of scrambling the referential aspect of autobiography and the assumed autonomy of fiction. The analysis of autofictional narrative enables the characterization of reading and writing as compensation, self-help, occupation of an empty space, abolishment of the distance between art and life, and reiteration of the paradox between health and illness, death and survival.


Autofiction, Survival, Ambiguous pact, Reader

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Author Biography

Eneida María de Souza

Professora emérita da Faculdade de Letras da UFMG. Professora de Titular de Teoria da Literatura, Doutora em Literatura Comparada. Pesquisadora 1A do CNPq. Coautora com Marília Cardoso de Modernidade toda prosa; Autora de Janelas indiscretas – Ensaios de crítica biográfica; Tempo de pós-crítica; A pedra mágica do discurso (sobre Macunaíma); O século de Borges; Crítica cult; Pedro Nava, o risco da memória.


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