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Social Innovation for Conserving Textile-Craft Practices in Boyacá, Colombia


Social innovation is a strategy for solving problems in community settings that integrates the cooperation of different participants to promote better conditions. This article aims to identify how co-creation practices promote the preservation of artisan textile knowledge through knowledge management and interculturality in social and educational spaces in Nobsa, Boyacá, Colombia. It was a descriptive research that involved a population of textile artisans and students of an educational institution in the community. Focus groups and surveys were used to gather data on specific social aspects of the community under study. Social, educational, and business spaces were created through living laboratories that allowed the search for social alternatives to the pro-blems encountered. As a result, a knowledge management model based on the Nonaka and Takeuchi model was obtained, (1994), which responded to the research objectives and contributed to the reduction of acculturation of textile practices at the local l


Intellectual capital, intercultural education, knowledge management, social innovation, cultural traditions


Author Biography

Pedro Ignacio Moya Espinosa

Tourism and Hotel Management Administrator, MBA. Researcher of the "EMPRENDER" research group  at the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia

Nubia Consuelo Cortes Rodríguez

MBA, EMPRENDER researcher, EATH Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia teacher.

Juan Carlos Socha López

PhD in Management. Director of the research group "EMPRENDER" at the  Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia


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