Implications of Colombia’s Entry into the OECD Luis E. Vallejo Zamudio PDF (Español) PDF XML (Español)
The Concepts of Value and "Early and Rude society" in the Work of Adam Smith Pilar Piqué PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Relationship between the Consumer Price Index and the Producer Price Index for Six South American Countries Oscar Hernán Cerquera Losada, Juan Pablo Murcia Arias, Jonas Conde Guzmán PDF XML
The Rigidity of Brazilian Public Expenditure in the Long Term Hernán Alejandro Roitbarg PDF (Español) XML (Español)
The Economic Surplus in Argentina: The Neoliberal Stage (1991-2001) Versus Neo-Developmental Stage (2002-2015) Leandro Marcelo Bona PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Ground Rent in Argentina: Export Duties, Period 2003-2014 Ezequiel Monteforte, Matías Agustín Sánchez PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Tariff Modifications in the Natural Gas Chain in Argentina Nicolás Marcelo Arceo PDF (Español) XML (Español)
The Socio-economic Effects of Oil Royalties in Casanare state, period 2004 – 2015 Andrés Fernando Pava Vargas, Alberto Lemos Valencia PDF (Español) XML (Español)