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Total rings of fractions and Hermite rings


In this paper, we show general properties of total rings of fractions and of Hermite rings. We study the relationships between those rings and the finite dimensional K−algebras. A finite dimensional K−algebra is a commutative algebra with unit such that this is finite dimensional as vector space over a field K. We proof that the finite dimensional K−algebras are total rings of fractions and also Hermite rings. In addition, we show that direct product of fields is another example of total ring of fractions and Hermite ring.


Localization, direct product of rings, Hermite ring and finite dimensional $K-$algebra

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Author Biography

Claudia Granados Pinzón

Doctora en Matemáticas Universidad de Valladolid (España)

C.C. 63514588

Fecha de Nacimiento: 3 de septiembre de 1976

Wilson Olaya León

Wilson Olaya Le´´ón

Doctor en Matemáticas

Profesor Titular Escuela de Matemáticas 

Universidad Industrial de Santander


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