Bootstrap versus Jackknife: Confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, density estimation, and kernel regression
Bootstrap and Jackknife methods are compared in various statistical contexts. Initially, these are evaluated using estimates of coefficients of variation obtained from samples of different probability models (Normal, Gamma, Binomial, and Poisson) generated by Monte Carlo simulation. With the results, the bias and variance of the estimators are evaluated. The performance of the two inferential procedures considered in one-sample problems, density estimation, and kernel regression, is also studied. The results show that in the case of the Jackknife coefficient of variation, it has a lower bias but a higher standard error. Bootstrap is a more powerful estimator in this context. Both methodologies produce similar results regarding density estimation (histogram and kernel). In regression Kernel, it is observed that Jackknife allows obtaining estimates of the regression bandwidth closer to the classical ones than those found with Bootstrap. The corresponding confidence intervals with Jackknife are shorter than those established with Bootstrap.
Bootstrap, confidence intervals, Jackknife, kernel regression, local regression, power of the test
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