Agronomic evaluation and participatory selection of 64 Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) genotypes in Nariño-Colombia

The participatory selection process of genotypes based on “horizontal dialogue between farmers and breeders” remains limited, especially in legume species related to family farming, such as the Faba bean, a legume associated with food security in southern Colombia. This study aimed to evaluate 64 genotypes of Faba bean of the Regional Argentina variety through agronomic variables and a participatory selection process. An Alpha Lattice design (8×8) with four replications was established to evaluate the number of pods per plant (PP), days to green harvest (DGH), yield (YLD), plant height (PH), and number of seeds per pod (SPP). The participatory selection methodology was employed, allowing farmers to assess the production, plant architecture, and plant health. The agronomic and participatory selection data were integrated into a selection index, identifying the promising Faba bean genotypes. Significant differences were observed for the variables PP, DGH, and YLD, aligning with the farmers' selection based on the three requested traits. The selection index identified thirteen genotypes with an average of 32.65 pods per plant, 137.03 days to harvest, and a yield of 10.26 t ha-1, demonstrating a gain by selection compared to the initial population. Incorporating farmers' preferences in selecting Faba bean genotypes is expected to provide promising material for the high tropics of southern Colombia.
Legumes, Cultivar selection, Family farming, Yields
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