Community human y humanism
The purpose of this essay is to reflect on the political-cultural experience of Humanism, based on Levinas‘ questioning of human experience as a source of meaning. The thesis that the article raises consists of rethinking the novelty of the human community as it inaugurates the questioning of the experience of meaning that renounces subjectivity as the hegemonic criterion of 20th century Humanism. This renunciation leads us to relocate Humanism from the margins of meaning (frontier) in which human experience is questioned as the founding purpose and purpose of a Humanism in the 21st century, suspecting that the concept of Humanism is reduced to the experience of a hegemonic political ubject characteristic of the last century. In this sense, the invitation is to rethink Humanism as the possibility of repositioning the community as a guidance (ethical) center of resistances in the face of contemporary political demands.
community, subjectivity, humanism, impropriety, de-subjectivization, exteriority
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