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Educación y arte. Acerca de John Dewey

Cuestiones de Filosofía


Los propósitos de este artículo son dos: en primer lugar, presentar los rasgos característicos tanto de la filosofía de la educación como de la estética de Dewey y su íntima vinculación; en segundo lugar, señalar la relevancia que la influencia de Albert C. Barnes tiene para el desarrollo de las concepciones de arte y de educación del autor de Art as Experience. Para mostrar la influencia de Barnes en Dewey, tópico pasado por alto por la literatura secundaria o solo tratado superficialmente, utilizamos diversos elementos, especialmente la reseña que Dewey escribe sobre el libro de Barnes, The Art in Painting (1925), titulada “Art in Education - Education in Art” (1926) y que traducimos en este número de la revista.

Palabras clave

John Dewey, Barnes, estética, educación, arte, pragmatismo, clásico.



  1. Alexander, T. M. (1987). John Dewey’s Theory of Art, Experience and Nature. The Horizons of Feeling. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  2. Barnes, A. C. (1925). The Art in Painting. Merion: Barnes Foundation Press.
  3. Barnes, A. C. (1949). Dewey and Art. New Leader, 32, pp. S-4.
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  8. Croce, B. (1930). Intorno all’Estetica del Dewey. La Critica, 38, pp. 348- 353.
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  10. De Mazia, V. (1988). The Barnes Foundation: The Display of Its Collection. Merion: The Barnes Foundation Press.
  11. Dennis, L. J., (1972). Dewey’s Debt to Albert Coombs Barnes. Educational Theory, 22 (3), pp. 325-333. DOI:
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  13. Dewey, J. (1984 [1926]b). The Changing Intellectual Climate. J. A. Boydston (Ed.), The Collected Works of John Dewey. The Later Works of JohnDewey. vol. 2 (1925-1927). (pp. 222-226). Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press.
  14. Dewey, J. (1984 [1926]c). Affective Thought. J. A. Boydston (Ed.), The Collected Works of John Dewey. The Later Works of John Dewey. vol. 2 (1925- 1927). (pp. 104-110). Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press.
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  16. Dewey, J. (1989 [1948]). A Comment on the Foregoing Criticism. J. A. Boydston (Ed.), The Collected Works of John Dewey, The Later Works of John Dewey. vol. 15 (1942-1948). (pp. 98-101). Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press.
  17. Dewey, J. (1998 [1916]). Democracia y educación. (Trad. L. Luzuriaga). Madrid:Morata.
  18. Dewey, J.(2008 [1920]). John Dewey to Albert C. Barnes. L. Hickman (ed.). The Correspondence of John Dewey. vol. 2: 1919-1939. Electronic Edition. Date: 1920.01.15. Number: 04091.
  19. Dewey, J. (2008 [1931]). John Dewey to Albert C. Barnes. L. Hickman (ed.). The Correspondence of John Dewey. vol. 2: 1919-1939. Electronic Edition. Date: 1931.03.09. Number: 04292.
  20. Dewey, J. (2008 [1934]). El arte como experiencia. (Trad. J. Claramonte). Barcelona: Paidós.
  21. Dolkart, J. F. (2012). To See as the Artist Sees: Albert C. Barnes and the Experiment in Education. J. F. Dolkart, M. Lucy, D. Gillman (Eds.), The Barnes Foundation Masterworks (pp. 9-29). Nueva York: Skira-Rizzoli.
  22. Douglas, G. H. (1970). A Reconsideration of Dewey-Croce exchange. Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 28 (4). pp. 497-504. DOI:
  23. Feinberg, W. (2013). Saving a Progressive Vision: Moving the Barnes
  24. Collection. International Journal of Progressive Education, 9 (1). pp. 59-72.
  25. Granger, D. A. (2006). John Dewey, Robert Pirsig and the Art of Living: Revisioning Aesthetic Education. Nueva York: Palgrave MacMillan. DOI:
  26. Granger, D. A. (2007). A “Scientific Aesthetic” Method: John Dewey, Albert Barnes and the Question of Aesthetic Formalism. Education and Culture, 23 (2). pp. 52-56. DOI:
  27. Greenfield, H. (1987). The Devil and Dr. Barnes. Nueva York: Viking.
  28. Hansen, D. T. (Ed.). (2006). John Dewey and Our Educational Prospect: aCritical Engagement with Dewey’s Democracy and Education. Albany: State University of New York Press.
  29. Hein, G. E. (2011). Dewey’s Debt to Barnes. Curator: The Museum Journal, 54 (2). pp. 123-139. DOI:
  30. Hein, G. E. (2017). John Dewey and Albert C. Barnes: a Deep and Mutually RewardingFriendship. Dewey Studies, 1 (1). pp. 44-78.
  31. Hook, S. (1952). Some Memories of John Dewey. Commentary, 14 (3). pp. 245-253.
  32. Hookway, Ch. (2013). Pragmatism. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Revisado el 08 de agosto de 2017. En
  33. Kaplan, A. (1987). Introduction. J. A. Boydston (Ed.). Art as Experience. The Collected Works of John Dewey, The Later Works, Vol. 10 (1934) (pp. vii-xxxiii). Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press.
  34. Locke, A. (1968 [1925]). The New Negro. A. Locke (Ed.). The New Negro (pp. 3-16). Nueva York: Atheneum.
  35. Matisse, H. (1993 [1930]). Statement to Tériade: On Travel, 1930. J. Flam (Ed.). Matisse on Art (pp. 87-92). Berkeley y Los Ángeles: California University Press.
  36. McWhinnie, H. (1994). Some Reflections on the Barnes Collection. Art Education, 47 (6). pp. 22-34. DOI:
  37. Misak, Ch. (2013). The American Pragmatist. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  38. Nussbaum, M. C. (2010). Sin fines de lucro: por qué la democracia necesita de las Humanidades. (Trad. M.V. Rodil). Buenos Aires: Katz. DOI:
  39. Rorty, R. (1996 [1982]). Consecuencias del pragmatismo. (Trad. J.M.E. Cloquell). Madrid: Tecnos.
  40. Ryan, A. (1995). John Dewey and the High Tide of American Liberalism. Nueva York: W.W. Norton.
  41. Shusterman, R. (2000). Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.
  42. Shusterman, R. (2002). Surface and Depth: Dialectics of Criticism and Culture. Ithaca y Londres: Cornell University Press. DOI:
  43. Wexler, T. (2013). Collective Expressions: the Barnes Foundation and Philadelphia. Tesis de maestría. Bowling Green State University. Sin publicar.
  44. Whitehead, A. N. (1948 [1925]). Science and the Modern World. Nueva York: Pelican Mentor Books.


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