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Theory of justice for contemporary Ecuadorian constitutionalism


Ecuador, with a constituent process embodied in a Constituent National Assembly, with the announcement of the issuance of a new Constitution submitted to a referendum the people of Ecuador, aiming thus to overcome a decade of successive political crises of conflict between executive-legislative branches.


From this context, the author places the reader in the scenario of justice, concepts and relationships, this is how the question arises which starts the text: What is Justice? If this is the path that leads to happiness, what is happiness? , if for Kelsen “Justice is social happiness guaranteed by a social order”, at the same it leads then him to ask himself, what is a fair social order? And it is precisely the construction of a fair social order, which takes the development of this work. Advancing in the design of a fair social order or fair institutions, the development of this text includes approaches from Plato to great exponents of contemporary social philosophy, as John Rawls and Jürgen Habermas.



Justice, happiness, fair social order, plurality, right, philosophy

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Habermas, J., & Jiménez Redondo, M. (1998). Facticidad y validez: sobre el derecho y el Estado democrático de derecho en términos de teoría del discurso (No. 1Habermas). Trotta,.

Hauriou, M., & Sampay, A. E. (1968). La teoría de la institución y de la fundación:(ensayo de vitalismo social). Abeledo-Perrot.

Kelsen, H. (1960). Teoría pura del derecho: introducción a la ciencia del derecho.,

Rawls, J. (2012). Teoría de la justicia. Fondo de cultura económica.

Tönnies, F. (1887). Community and society. The urban sociology reader, 13.


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