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Ayni Llajta: Community Work as the Foundation of the Democratization Process in Bolivia


Bolivia has been experimenting for more than three decades a process of democratic openness, but this process does not consist in strengthening the institutions of the Bolivian State or in making more effective electoral mechanisms. Rather, it consists in structurally questioning that particular form of understanding politics and reducing it to state dynamics. The main objective of the paper is to demonstrate that, beyond institutional strengthening, the changes in Bolivia respond to an opening to other sectors of Bolivian society that had been marginalized. And that inclusion process generated a radical transformation, which has no setback, because it included the look and forms of organization of those who were being excluded, because it gave the floor to new worldviews that have transformed the political dynamics in the country, at the moment of limiting it. This process is characterized by the inclusion of community ethical principles that question the foundation of Western bourgeois society.  


democratization, State, ethical principles, cultural heritage, social movements

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