Author Guidelines
Would you like to submit to the journal? We recommend that you review the specific policies for each section of the journal in About the Journal, as well as in the Author Guidelines. Authors must register with the journal before submitting a manuscript or, if they are already registered, they can simply log in and begin the five-step submission process. Guidelines
Submission Instructions
Authors are requested to register and submit their articles electronically via online submission available at:
This site will guide authors step-by-step through the submission process. Authors, reviewers and editors send and receive all correspondence by e-mail and no paper correspondence is required.
Manuscript form and preparation
The author(s) must register in the Open Journal System (OJS) platform.
The texts must be unpublished and respect the credits and copyrights. To guarantee originality and avoid plagiarism in the texts prior to sending them to peer reviewers, Educación y Ciencia checks each document against scientific texts and the web using Turnitin software. If there are more than 25% coincidences, including references, the text is rejected.
Types of articles
The journal receives original manuscripts of scientific relevance and product of scientific and technological research in the following typologies:
- Research result article: document that presents, in a detailed manner, the original results of completed research projects. Generally, the structure used contains five important parts: Introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions.
- Research result review article: The purpose of reviews, as is natural, will be to review and synthesize the most important literature around a research topic in order to establish its current status in the area. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least fifty (50) references. Most of the articles should have between 5 to 10 references from Scopus or WoS indexed journals from the last 5 years, according to their methodology and study group. The recommended structure contains five major parts: Introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions.
- Reflection article resulting from research: A document that presents the results of a completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources. The recommended structure is Introduction, contents and conclusions.
Technical characteristics of the text
The journal will verify that manuscripts comply with the following standards:
- Word or OpenOffice digital file in versions higher than 2003.
- Page size: letter
- Times New Roman 12 font, 1.5 spacing, one column.
- 3 cm margins.
- Word or OpenOffice digital file in versions superior to 2003.
Tables and figures in editable format and DDAA note on them.
- Author(s) information: The information of each author should be cited at the bottom of the page, including: full names and surnames, institutional and work affiliation, ORCID code, updated CvLAC link (this point is mandatory for Colombian authors and for foreign authors in case they have it) and e-mail.
- Title: the title indicates the essential content of the article, it must be informative, clear, precise, brief, without acronyms and abbreviations, with a maximum length of 12 words.
- Length: Maximum 40,000 characters (without space) and minimum 30,000 characters (without space), including references.
- Abstract: research articles of results, review and reflection, must have an analytical summary that includes the subject of the original text in detail. In the case of research articles of results and reviews, the abstract should describe: Introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions. In the case of reflection articles, the abstract should describe: Introduction, contents and conclusions. The abstract of the article should be elaborated with a minimum of 170 and a maximum of 180 words.
- Keywords: the manuscript should present between 6 to 12 words related to the topics addressed in the manuscript, it is recommended to use UNESCO's thesauri for these words.
- Final considerations. At the end of the manuscript there should be a section of no more than 3,000 characters without space, in which the following should appear
Authors' contributions: for this purpose, a list of the contribution made by each author should be sent, according to the CRediT taxonomy.
The CRediT taxonomy has fourteen criteria that are used to indicate the roles of the authors:
Conceptualization /Data curation /Formal analysis/Resource acquisition/Research/Methodology/Project management/Resources/Software/Supervision/Validation/Visualization/Writing (original draft)/Writing (draft review and revision/proofreading)
Such contributions should be recorded in a paragraph, including the name of each author and their roles according to CRediT. Direct consultation of the CRediT taxonomy and its promoters can be done through the following link:
Funding (required). If the authors received funding through a research project or any type of resource for research or for the writing or publication of the work, this should be stated. Likewise, if there is no funding of any kind, this should also be stated.
Conflicts of interest (mandatory). If any of the authors in their professional practice or in their scientific or teaching work has any kind of potential conflict of interest, with repercussions in the research or in the contents of the manuscript, this must be declared. At this point, authors should also fill out a conflict of interest form (from the ICMJE) provided by the journal in its documentation to formalize the submission of a manuscript.
Ethical implications (mandatory). If the research that supports the contents of the manuscript involves any type of handling of personal, private or reserved information, experimentation with animals or living beings, or if the methodology requires evidence of any type of ethical repercussion or risk, it must be declared. Likewise, if the research required the endorsement of an ethics committee or the use of informed consent, it should be declared; in case the journal requires it, the authors will have to submit the necessary supports (endorsement, consent, among others).
Acknowledgements (optional). If the authors wish to thank individuals, institutions, organizations, communities, among others, who have participated in the research or who, in any way, have facilitated the writing or publication of their manuscript, they may do so briefly.
It is important to note that acknowledgements should only be given to third parties who have played an important role, either directly or prior to the preparation of the manuscript or research. Acknowledgements of a personal, circumstantial or general nature will not be accepted or published.
Authors should follow the citation and referencing guidelines adapted from the American Psychological Association Seventh Edition (7th edition).
Reference citations allow authors to be credited so as not to incur in plagiarism. To do this, the first surname should be written, accompanied by the year of edition or publication. The two surnames of an author or the initials of the names should not be written (except in quotations of personal conversations), nor Latin words (such as op.cit., ibid, et al., among others). The quotation marks used are Spanish quotation marks (“”). Double quotation marks (“”) are not accepted.
When a work has more than one author, “and” should be used to connect the surnames (e.g., Gutiérrez and Buitrago, 2019). If a text with three or more authors is cited, from the first citation, the last name of the first author followed by “and others” will be used to refer to the other authors (for example: Buitrago et al., 2021).
Quotes can have three different emphases:
- On the author: Davidson (2003) cautions that...
- On the year: In 2014, Costa et al. found in their study that students...
- In content: Students who have had experiences in rural schools and subsequently have moved to urban schools, point out that the former is more significant (Suárez and Membiela, 2011).
Use of several references
Authors cited should be arranged alphabetically within parentheses, e.g.:
... excluding both people without mental disorders and the importance for them of well-being and happiness (Ekman et al. 2005; Salanova and Schaufeli, 2009; Seligman, 1992; Vázquez, 2006).
To cite different works by the same author published in the same year, an alphabetical identification (a,b,c...) is added after the year, for example, according to the order of appearance in the text:
(Patiño, 2019a; Patiño, 2019b)
Paraphrasing: A phrase that expresses the same content as another, but with a different syntactic structure. It consists of stating in one's own words, the ideas of other authors.