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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The article is unpublished, i.e., it has not been published (in part or in whole) previously.
  • The article has not been submitted previously, or simultaneously, to other journals.
  • The submitted document must be presented in .doc, .docx format.
  • The text complies with the bibliographic and style requirements indicated in the Guidelines for Authors, which can be found in 'About'.
  • Within the article, in the footer, it is indicated to which typology the manuscript belongs (note the types of articles accepted by Enletawa Journal, see 'Guidelines for Authors').
  • If the text makes use of special characters, a copy of the text should be attached as a .pdf file.
  • If the article contains photographs, maps or diagrams, etc., attach original files with .jpg, .tiff or png extensions. The resolution of these files must be 1,100 x 860 pixels to guarantee their quality. If this parameter is not met, it is recommended that they be changed or removed from the manuscript.

Author Guidelines

Formal Requirements for the Presentation of Articles

In any case, the authors must comply with the following style and presentation instructions for the articles:

1. The first page of the article should contain:

Title of the article: No more than 12 words and the use of acronyms, symbols, and abbreviations will be avoided.

Identification: Name of the author(s) and email, ORCID identifier code. In a footnote, with a (*) symbol, it is essential to include the following:

Type of article (research, reflection, or review). - Last academic title and university that grants it, institution, and country where the author works. - Name of the research group, if applicable. - Origin of subsidies and support received, if any. It is mandatory to have a fully completed ORCID (Open Researcher and Contribution ID). For ORCID registration, go to:

In the case of authors affiliated with Colombian institutions, we suggest that they process their CV registration with the CvLAC of the Ministry of Science:

Authors who already have a CvLAC registration should verify that it is up to date with their current affiliation.

The manuscript must designate the corresponding author, linking with the other authors and the journal throughout the publication process.

2. Second page

On the second page, there should be an abstract and keywords. The article must be presented with an abstract of a maximum of 150 words and a minimum of 100, in which the author describes what she/he is going to develop in her/his article. It should also include keywords, a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8, that account for the central themes, authors, and other topics to be highlighted in the article.

The abstract must present the following structure:

Purpose: (minimum 25, maximum 50 words)

Methodology: (minimum 25, maximum 50 words)

Results: (minimum 25, maximum 50 words)

Conclusions: (minimum 25, maximum 50 words)

3. Third page

From the third page, the development of the work must be presented, introduction (description of the problem and objective of the article), the body of the work (theoretical framework, methodology, results, and discussion), conclusions, and bibliographical references (APA Guidelines, 7th edition).

4. Margins: Letter format with 2.54 cm margins on each side.

5. Spacing: Titles and subtitles will be registered with Arabic numerals up to the third level (for example 1.3.2). Footnotes should appear in Arabic numerals. These will be used only to clarify, explain or expand concepts or data that the author considers should be outside the text. It is recommended to avoid its excessive use. Line spacing 1.5

6. Font: Arial 12, for textual citations with paragraph indentation Arial 11 line spacing 1.0

7. Text Indent: All paragraphs will be indented on the first line; you must leave a blank space between one and the other, and between the different sections of the article

8. Titles and subtitles: The titles and subtitles will be registered with Arabic numerals up to the third level (for example 1.3.2)

9. Footnotes: Footnotes must appear in Arabic numerals. These will be used only to clarify, explain or expand concepts or data that the author considers should be outside the text. It is recommended to avoid its excessive use.

10. Tables and Figures: The tables and figures must appear referenced and explained in the text. They must be titled, sequentially numbered, and accompanied by their respective image and source captions. They are located after the paragraph where they are announced. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain and deliver permission to the journal for the publication of figures that require it.

Technical Citation and Reference Standards

The style standard established by the journal for citing and referencing bibliography takes into account some aspects of the updated APA Guidelines (7th edition).

Bibliographic Citation

- Only the author's last name, the year of publication of the book or magazine, and the page number are recorded in the text.

- Italics will not be used for textual citations. However, when they appear in a citation, it must be indicated whether the emphasis belongs to the original or the author.

- Verbatim quotations of less than 40 words must be incorporated into the text and enclosed in English quotation marks.

Corrections of Articles Published in the Journal:

Fixes: Corrections will be made to a published article if the identified error can generate significant errors (an error in the affiliation of an author, ORCID, or names, among others) or affects its interpretation due to an unintentional omission or error in its writing or format.

Retractions: If it is detected that an article has serious problems that affect the veracity of its results, compromise its scientific quality, or pose a serious ethical problem (plagiarism, fabrication of data, manipulation, among others), the journal may retract and prevent access to the full-text manuscript, with the corresponding notification of the reasons for retraction.

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Letter to editor, Enletawa Journal

Evaluation format

Copyright Notice

I grant to Enletawa Journal all rights to publish the article or work, in addition to distributing and using the work for promotional purposes.

With the declaration of originality and ineditude, either through a signed letter or acceptance of terms, in the magazine's sending platform; the authors declare under oath that the submitted manuscript is an original and unpublished work created by those who submit it and that all the aforementioned authors made a substantial creative contribution to the work. They also declare that no equal or substantially similar article has been published or submitted for publication, in any format or means of publication prior to this request.

The enletawa journal publishes its articles under license Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International

  1. Attribution — You must give appropriate credit , provide a link to the license, and. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
  2. NonCommercial — You may not use the material for.
  3. No Derivatives — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material.

Privacy Statement

Personal data provided by authors, reviewers, and readers to Enletawa Journal will be used exclusively for the activities concerning the processes of sending, evaluating, correcting and publishing papers, and will not be made available to third parties or for other purposes.





Research Reports


Thesis Papers in Progress

Creative Products

Pedagogical Experiences

Reflective Papers

Creative Production

Theme Review


Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Art Gallery

This section includes photographs, paintings, sculptures, and other visual elements that connect the its author with language, culture, society, and the world.

Letters to the Editor

Literature Review

Cover Information

Original Research

Short Article