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Publication standards

Article submission and author’s obligations

The author must register as a journal user on the Open Journal System (OJS) platform at the following link: and from there he/she can submit his/her article.

– The author accepts that his/her article is submitted to the evaluation for its possible approval. He/she takes responsibility for the ideas contained in his/her document; In addition, he/she welcomes the comments of the evaluators (referees) and the Editorial Committee to adapt its text to academic, scientific, and editorial parameters. The author may be consulted during the evaluation and editing process to respond to requirements regarding formal and content aspects of his/her document.

– The author undertakes to respect the intellectual property rights of third parties and any violation of copyright will be his/her responsibility. If the article reproduces bibliographic information, charts, graphs, diagrams, illustrations, images, etc., the author undertakes to request authorization for its use and publication. Enletawa Journal, the Editor, the Editorial Committee, and the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, in case of litigation for copyright infringement, will hold directly responsible the author who submitted the article to the evaluation process.

 - The paper conforms to the MLA format (8th edition).

– The Editorial Committee will communicate in writing the author(s) of the reasons for the non-approval of the submitted article. It will ask the authors of the approved articles for a letter of originality and authorization in which they assign the rights to Enletawa Journal and authorize the use of the copyright (reproduction, public communication, transformation, and distribution) to the  Journal and the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia. Once this authorization is received, the journal and the University may publish the text of the article in electronic format. At the time the author assigns the rights of his/her article to the journal, the latter has the legal attributes to dispose of the article and its dissemination, as decided by its Editorial Committee.


Originality: The manuscripts submitted to Enletawa Journal must be unpublished. Simultaneous submission to other journals will be considered a serious offense and cause for rejection of a manuscript.

Ethics: Enletawa Journal follows the guidelines of the COPE (Committee of Ethics for Publications)

Review System: The evaluation process of the article will be strictly anonymous; that is, the author will not know who reviewed his/her article, and the reader will not know the author's name either (double-blind system).

The evaluated article may have three (3) results: publishable, publishable with corrections, rejected; when this is considered as publishable with corrections, the author is informed, who decides whether or not to undertake to make them; if he does not do so, he must communicate his/her decision in writing to the Editorial Committee.

Edition: Approved articles will undergo professional editing, language copyediting, and layout design processes.

Access and Creative Commons: The journal is of immediate open access, with a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) license, and it works under the diamond model.

Assignment and Copyrights: The journal seeks the publication of original works not yet published by other means.

Handling Fees. The journal has no shipping or publication cost for the authors.

Digital Preservation. The journal recognizes the importance of preserving its published content in the long term, and continually advances in the processes of indexing and archiving its content to keep it accessible.

Author: Enletawa Journal defines an author as follows:

  • Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work.
  • Redact the paper or critically revise it for important intellectual content.
  • Final approval of the version to be published.
  • Agreement to be responsible for all aspects of the work to ensure that questions regarding the accuracy or completeness of any part of the work are properly investigated and resolved.

In addition to being responsible for the parts of the work he/she has done, an author must be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for other specific parts of the work. Furthermore, authors must have confidence in the integrity of their co-authors' contributions.

Changes in Co-authorship: The journal does not allow changes in co-authorship after the article has already been submitted. To make a change to remove or add an author in the corrections phase, after peer review, the authors must justify very well why the change is due and all co-authors must express their agreement. Each request for a change in the co-authorship of an article will be reviewed in detail by the journal and may be a cause for rejection if there is evidence of a probable conflict between the authors or an undue removal or inclusion, not agreed between them.

Responsibilities of the Participants

Publishers: They must adopt the best peer review standards and methods so that each article is reviewed by competent experts. Editors should also clarify which sections do not have a peer review process and which do. They, in other words, must ensure that the journal has a clear publication guide. Likewise, editors must contribute to the detection of plagiarism and possible ethical breaches. Finally, they should offer advice on the publication process to both authors and reviewers, to promote appropriate conduct for research and publication.

Authors: They must develop original research responsibly and with high ethical standards. In addition, they must present the results in an honest, complete, and transparent way, so that the scientific community can confirm or respond to the data presented. Authors should not submit the manuscript to other journals for evaluation. They must report the studies on which the research was based, as well as the sponsors who supported it. They must also declare if there is any conflict of interest. Finally, the authors must claim responsibility for the published research.

Reviewers: They must inform the editors of possible fraud or plagiarism of the research reviewed. They must review the documents in an objective and timely manner. They will also discuss why an article has been rejected or how it might be more suitable for publication


Originality: The manuscripts submitted to Enletawa Journal must be unpublished. Simultaneous submission to other journals will be considered a serious offense and cause for rejection of a manuscript.

Ethics: Enletawa Journal follows the guidelines of the COPE (Committee of Ethics for Publications)

Review System: The evaluation process of the article will be strictly anonymous; that is, the author will not know who reviewed his/her article, and the reader will not know the author's name either (double-blind system).

The evaluated article may have three (3) results: publishable, publishable with corrections, rejected; when this is considered as publishable with corrections, the author is informed, who decides whether or not to undertake to make them; if he does not do so, he must communicate his/her decision in writing to the Editorial Committee.

Edition: Approved articles will undergo professional editing, language copyediting, and layout design processes.

Access and Creative Commons: The journal is of immediate open access, with a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) license, and it works under the diamond model.

Assignment and Copyrights: The journal requests the copyright assignment of the articles in order to formalize their publication. However, the use or reproduction of articles for educational, academic, or scientific purposes is permitted, provided that full reference to the original publication is granted.

Handling Fees. The journal has no shipping or publication cost for the authors.

Digital Preservation. The journal recognizes the importance of preserving its published content in the long term, and continually advances in the processes of indexing and archiving its content to keep it accessible.

Author: Enletawa Journal defines an author as follows:

  • Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work.
  • Redact the paper or critically revise it for important intellectual content.
  • Final approval of the version to be published.
  • Agreement to be responsible for all aspects of the work to ensure that questions regarding the accuracy or completeness of any part of the work are properly investigated and resolved.

In addition to being responsible for the parts of the work he/she has done, an author must be able to identify which co-authors are responsible for other specific parts of the work. Furthermore, authors must have confidence in the integrity of their co-authors' contributions.

Changes in Co-authorship: The journal does not allow changes in co-authorship after the article has already been submitted. To make a change to remove or add an author in the corrections phase, after peer review, the authors must justify very well why the change is due and all co-authors must express their agreement. Each request for a change in the co-authorship of an article will be reviewed in detail by the journal and may be a cause for rejection if there is evidence of a probable conflict between the authors or an undue removal or inclusion, not agreed between them.

Responsibilities of the Participants

Publishers: They must adopt the best peer review standards and methods so that each article is reviewed by competent experts. Editors should also clarify which sections do not have a peer review process and which do. They, in other words, must ensure that the journal has a clear publication guide. Likewise, editors must contribute to the detection of plagiarism and possible ethical breaches. Finally, they should offer advice on the publication process to both authors and reviewers, to promote appropriate conduct for research and publication.

Authors: They must develop original research responsibly and with high ethical standards. In addition, they must present the results in an honest, complete, and transparent way, so that the scientific community can confirm or respond to the data presented. Authors should not submit the manuscript to other journals for evaluation. They must report the studies on which the research was based, as well as the sponsors who supported it. They must also declare if there is any conflict of interest. Finally, the authors must claim responsibility for the published research.

Reviewers: They must inform the editors of possible fraud or plagiarism of the research reviewed. They must review the documents in an objective and timely manner. They will also discuss why an article has been rejected or how it might be more suitable for publication.

Types of Articles: Enletawa Journal accepts the manuscripts shown below:

  • Original Article: (5000 to 7000 words excluding bibliographic references): a document that presents in detail the original results of completed research projects. The body of the work must contain the following sections: introduction, methodology, results, and discussion.
  • Reflection Article: (5,000 to 7,000 words, excluding bibliographical references): a document that presents the results of completed research from an analytical, interpretive, or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.
  • Review Article: (6,000 to 7,500 words, excluding bibliographical references): a document resulting from a completed investigation, where the results of published or unpublished investigations on a field of science or technology are analyzed, systematized, and integrated, in order to inform about advances and development trends in language sciences. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
  • Short Article: (3000 to 4000 words excluding bibliographic references): this type of article shares preliminary or partial original research findings.
  • Translation: This category includes classic texts, current issues, or transcripts of historical documents that are related to the area of interest of the journal.

NOTE: Articles should not have more than three authors. Articles that exceed the indicated conditions are not accepted.

Formal Requirements for the Presentation of Articles

In any case, the authors must comply with the following style and presentation instructions for the articles:

Corresponding autor

In the case of manuscripts that have more than one author, one author must be designated correspondence. It is the one who must interact with the journal, constantly, in all phases.

Of the publication process: editorial filter, peer evaluation, corrections of substance and form, preparation for production, style correction, design and layout, and post-publication.

The corresponding author, in addition to providing his or her unique bibliographic name, ORCID, current institutional affiliation and email, you must submit a physical address of institutional correspondence (not personal) with nomenclature (career/street), city and country.

Institutional affiliation

All authors of a manuscript must declare their institutional affiliation. In that affiliation may include details of the specific academic area to which they belong (e.g. department, faculty, school, among others), the name of the main organization or institution (e.g. university, research center, among others), the city and the country where the Institution and institutional email (preferred).

If one or more authors wish to include more than one institutional affiliation, they may do so. They must designate each affiliation with a superscript number. If these affiliations coincide for several authors, the respective superscript must be linked for each co-author. Example:

Carlos Rodríguez-Hernández 1, 2, Sandra Pérez 2, Laura Sánchez 3, Michael Sullivan 1, 3

1 First affiliation, city and country.

2 Second affiliation, city and country.

3 Third affiliation, city and country.

It is suggested, however, to avoid including multiple affiliations and select the main one, the that is directly involved with the manuscript, for example, that of the funding entity.

Likewise, if you want to change the affiliation of an author of a manuscript after the submission, a letter must be sent explaining the reasons for the change and in which evidence is given, by the legal representative or an authority of the previous institution, of that the work does not have its economic rights compromised through a project or a specific financing.

The journalwill analyze each case of request for a change of affiliation in particular. Will perform individual verifications where appropriate and will make a final decision in this regard; in this In this sense, an appeal that is not justified or fully resolved by the authors could alsoMmprevent the publication of a manuscript.

  1. Second page 

On the second page, there should be an abstract and keywords. The article must be presented with an abstract of a maximum of 150 words and a minimum of 100, in which the author describes what she/he is going to develop in her/his article. It should also include keywords, a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8, that account for the central themes, authors, and other topics to be highlighted in the article.

The abstract must present the following structure:

Purpose: (minimum 25, maximum 50 words)

Methodology: (minimum 25, maximum 50 words)

Results: (minimum 25, maximum 50 words)

Conclusions: (minimum 25, maximum 50 words)

  1. Third page

From the third page, the development of the work must be presented, introduction (description of the problem and objective of the article), the body of the work (theoretical framework, methodology, results, and discussion), conclusions, and bibliographical references (APA Guidelines, 7th edition).

Margins: Letter format with 2.54 cm margins on each side.

Spacing: Titles and subtitles will be registered with Arabic numerals up to the third level (for example 1.3.2). Footnotes should appear in Arabic numerals. These will be used only to clarify, explain or expand concepts or data that the author considers should be outside the text. It is recommended to avoid its excessive use. Line spacing 1.5

  1. Font: Arial 12, for textual citations with paragraph indentation Arial 11 line spacing 1.0
  2. Text Indent: All paragraphs will be indented on the first line; you must leave a blank space between one and the other, and between the different sections of the article
  3. Titles and subtitles: The titles and subtitles will be registered with Arabic numerals up to the third level (for example 1.3.2)
  4. Footnotes: Footnotes must appear in Arabic numerals. These will be used only to clarify, explain or expand concepts or data that the author considers should be outside the text. It is recommended to avoid its excessive use.
  5. Tables and Figures: The tables and figures must appear referenced and explained in the text. They must be titled, sequentially numbered, and accompanied by their respective image and source captions. They are located after the paragraph where they are announced. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain and deliver permission to the journal for the publication of figures that require it.

Technical Citation and Reference Standards

The style standard established by the journal for citing and referencing bibliography takes into account some aspects of the updated MLA Guidelines (7th edition).

Bibliographic Citation

- Only the author's last name, the year of publication of the book or magazine, and the page number are recorded in the text.

- Italics will not be used for textual citations. However, when they appear in a citation, it must be indicated whether the emphasis belongs to the original or the author.

- Verbatim quotations of less than 40 words must be incorporated into the text and enclosed in English quotation marks.

Corrections of Articles Published in the Journal:

Fixes: Corrections will be made to a published article if the identified error can generate significant errors (an error in the affiliation of an author, ORCID, or names, among others) or affects its interpretation due to an unintentional omission or error in its writing or format.

Retractions: If it is detected that an article has serious problems that affect the veracity of its results, compromise its scientific quality, or pose a serious ethical problem (plagiarism, fabrication of data, manipulation, among others), the journal may retract and prevent access to the full-text manuscript, with the corresponding notification of the reasons for retraction.