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About the Journal

Historia y MEMORIA is the History journal of Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. This journal is a means of reflection and dissemination of research experiences in the field of History for researchers, professors and readers.

Its pages are meant to become a space of constant dialogue and exchange of reflection on historiographical, epistemological and critical issues, to consolidate and strengthen academic community.

ISSN Print: 2027-5137

ISSN Electronic: 2322-777X


Focus and Scope

History refers to the permanent dialogue between past and present, change and permanence, duration and event, linear and cyclical, diachronic and synchronic. It refers to a system of thought that gives an account of society in time. Memory, on the other hand is one of the fields that configure our recent past, constituted by a convergence of practices, social representations, collective imagination, and ways in which the population identifies itself in a context.

The purpose of Historia Y MEMORIA journal is to disseminate unpublished research-based essays and articles in any historiographical field.

Peer Review Process

Once the article is received, the Editorial Committee evaluates whether it complies with the manuscript submission parameters, verifies the similarity report with other sources with an anti-plagiarism tool (software), corroborates compliance with the citation standards, which are basic requirements demanded by the journal. After this, the thematic relevance of the article is studied, in accordance with the objectives of the journal´s “Special section” and “Free Topic Section”. The “Special Section”, corresponds to articles discussing the central topic of each issue, with  established submission times defined by each call for papers; the “Free Topic Section” receives historiographical production articles on diverse topics, and is open year round

After approval by the Editorial Board, the article is evaluated by two anonymous peer reviewers, which may be international or national experts on the topic, and who will conclude their evaluation in 30 calendar days, sending it to the Editorial Committee in the given Evaluation Format.

All evaluation results will be communicated to the author. The article may be approved without modifications, approved with modifications, or definitely denied. If the evaluation is positive, the author will receive the evaluator´s observations, and will adjust and correct the article in a period of no longer than 15 days. The article will be rejected if it is not modified within this period of time, or if it does not incorporate the suggestions in a comprehensive manner. If the article receives one positive and one negative evaluation, it will be submitted to a third reviewer, who´s decision shall be to no appeal. In case of rejection by both evaluators, publication of the article will be automatically denied; this decision will be communicated immediately to the author.

After receipt of the amended article and approval for publication, the author will be informed about its approval and publication, and will be asked to fill in the Authorization for Use of Intellectual Property Rights. By signing this document, the author(s) grants Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia the reproduction, public communication, transformation and distribution rights of this article, in order for it to be included in the journal.

Once the article is published, authors will receive 2 copies of the journal issue; peer evaluators will receive 1 copy each.  

Publication Frequency

The journal has semesterly periodicity: January-June and July-December. Following international norms on period visibility, issues are published at the beginning of the semester: the first issue (January-June) in February and the second (July-December) in August.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports researchers with a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Users are allowed to read, dowload, copy, distribute, print, search for or link complete texts from the journal articles; all of this must be subject to proper copyright recognition.

Code of ethics

Code of ethics Historia Y MEMORIA journal

Historia Y MEMORIA has the purpose of disseminating unpublished essays and articles resulting from research projects in any historiographical field. Its publication criteria is based on a system of peer review; ensuring academic validity and preservation of research-based knowledge production. As a guarantee of the publication process, peer evaluations must be impartial, reliable and apply ethical criteria.

Publication includes several moments in the editorial process. These all of these moments form a whole, even though they are presented as separate; for this reason, it is essential that all intervening agents act with ethical criteria in able to guarantee intelectual property, authenticity and quality in publications. In the following pages we will briefly describe some of these aspects, related to the responsibilities of editors, Editorial Coordinator, peer evaluators or assessment committee, and obligations of authors:




1.1 Of the Editorial Committee

- To act in an objective, fair and balanced manner, without discriminating for reasons of gender, sexual orientation, political or religious beliefs.

- To have no conflict of interest.

- To act, in case of misconduct by peer reviewers or authors.

- To establish data protection mechanisms for authors as well as peer reviewers.

- To take into account the claims presented by journal readers and authors, regardless of the date of publication.

- To maintain the confidentiality of information entrusted by authors, peer reviewers, and readers in relation to the published texts and the detected anomalies.

- To guarantee the quality of the published material, defend freedom of expression, defend and safeguard intelectual property.

- To determine the acceptance or rejection of an article; and to note any deviation in the editorial processes that affects journal ethics and quality.

- To promote and publish the correction of errors in case these appear by means of an Editorial Note.

- To ensure the anonymity of peer evaluators.


1.2 Obligations of peer evaluators

- To develop their evaluations in a fair, objective and balanced manner, without privileging their own or other interests of personal or corporative nature.

- To maintain the confidentiality of journal information.

- To committ to filling out the evaluation format in its totality based on the parameters offered by the journal.

- To advise the journal editor of any anomaly detected in the text.

- In reviewing an article, to declare any conflict of interest to the journal editor.


1.3 Obligations of authors

-       Confirm that the material sent to the journal complies with internationally recognized ethical norms.

-       Inform the journal of the name of research project the article derives from and the source of research funding (if such is the case); in addition to curricular and correspondance information, as well as confirmation that the article has not been simultaneously sent to another journal. (See Author and Article Information Form).

-       Confirm that the article is an original work, resulting from a research process, in compliance with the publication norms established by Historia Y MEMORIA journal. (See Authorization for Use of Intellectual Property Rights).

-       Notify the editor immediately if an error is found in the article.

-       If necessary, cooperate with the editor in the publication of an Erratum.



Actions having to do with non ethical behaviour will be verified according to the following procedure: identification, investigation, infringement, sanction.


2.1 Identification

- Misconduct and unethical behaviors can be identified by any person and must be reported to the editor and editorial coordinator in any moment.

- Persons informing the journal of misconduct must provide information and sufficient proof in order to initiate a formal investigation.

- All misconduct reports will be taken seriously and treated in the same manner until arriving at a successful conclusion.


2.2 Investigation

- The editor must initially consult and seek assessment from the Editorial Coordinator and Editorial Committee..

- All evidence must be collected and maintained confidential by and beyond the agents who must evaluate it.

- After reviewing and analyzing the case, the editor will emit a verdict that will lead to detection of infringement type and sanction establishment.


2.3 Infringement

Infringement is divided into two types: slight and severe.

2.3.1 Slight infringement: incorrect conduct not determined by an interest to cause damage to the journal or third parties.

2.3.2 Severe infringement: to act according to inappropriate and non-ethical conduct with the objective of deliberately harming the journal or third parties. Plagiarism, undeclared conflict of interest, slander of persons or institutions, altering curricular information, or any other that attempts against intelectual property and against the internationally established ethical norms.


2.4 Sanctions

2.4.1 For slight infringement: warning notice to the author and/or peer reviewers about their non ethical behavior, that will lead to severe sanctions in case of being continued.

2.4.2 For severe infringement:

- The journal will publicly, and in complete detail, notify about this inadequate conduct in an Editorial Note.

- The Editor will inform the institutions funding the research about the severe infringement detected in the investigated article.

- The person who has committed infringement will be forbidden to submit articles to the journal for life.

- To inform the competent authorities for a judicial type sanction.


Sources of Support


Digital preservation and self-archiving

Historia y Memoria follows the digital preservation and information security policies of the university for its platforms, so that all its contents published in the Open Journal Systems (OJS) are preserved in time so that any interested reader can consult its volumes and issues in the future.

Likewise, the journal allows its authors to self-archive the articles published in the journal in their respective institutional repositories, institutional web pages or profiles in academic social networks (e.g. ResearchGate), as long as the original publication in the journal is cited, including the specific DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the particular manuscript.