Editorial. Policies of memory, memories of resistance. History in the post-truth era Manuel Alvaro Dueñas, Matilde Eiroa San Francisco PDF (Español)
The Construction of narratives about the past. Advocacy for history Manuel Álvaro Dueñas PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Memory and history in social networks: new supports to resisting the forgetting of the Spanish Civil War and Francoism Matilde Eiroa San Francisco PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Colombia. The construction of a narrative of historical memory as a political process Erika Maria Rodríguez Pinzón PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Subverted bodies: Scenic arts and memory in the 21st century. The Argentinian case Lorena Verzero PDF (Español) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
Public and digital memory regarding two female prisons during Francoism Fernando Hernández Holgado PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Researching, disseminating, teaching: obstacles and resources for the study of recent history Fernando Hernández Sánchez PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Prison memory in the Shining Path and the Tupumaro National Liberation Movement (1982-2017) Miriam Encarnación Pinedo PDF (Español) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
Student movements in Brazil and Mexico in 1968: comparative analysis of their demands Andrés Donoso Romo PDF (Español) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
Memory practices in the defense of life and territory in Buenaventura, Colombia (1960-2018) Erika Paola Parrado Pardo, Jefferson Jaramillo Marín PDF (Español) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
The civil society as a territory of resistance and defense, Bosnia-Herzegovina and the former Yugoslavia». A personal testimonial Alma Masic PDF (Español)
Cortés Zavala, María Teresa. Social Order and public health in Puerto Rico, 19th century. A view from cultural history. Morelia, Michoacán: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, Historiadores de las Ciencias y las Humanidades, 2017, 154 p. Leticia Bobadilla PDF (Español)