Editorial. «Issues of Latin American political-intellectual history: Democracy, Nation, and Representation. Latin America, 19th and 20th centuries». Elias Palti PDF (Español) XML (Español) video (Español)
«The restoring democracy» History and politics in Uruguay’s democratic transition (1980-1989) Martina Garategaray PDF (Español) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
Representations of the concept of independence at the beginnings of the Paraguayan press (1845-1852) María Victoria Baratta PDF (Español) VIDEO (Español) XML (Español)
Popular juries in Argentina (1868-1874). The problem of democracy as the participation of the people in the government Laura Cucchi PDF (Español) XML (Español)
Colombian publicists before the 1848 French Revolution, during the second half of the 19th century José Camilo Becerra Mora PDF (Español) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
What is the socialists’ nation? Proposals and dilemmas of the Liga de Acción Política as a left-wing nationalist project in Colombia Luz Angela Núñez Espinel PDF (Español) XML (Español) video (Español)
Socialism in its place. The «social organization» of the nation and the intersocial origins of the first Mexican socialism towards 1850 Matías X. González PDF (Español) XML (Español) VIDEO (Español)
Contributions of an inland carnival to the perspective of post-abolitionist historiographic memory in the 20th and 21st centuries Alberto Bomfim da Silva , Edson Farias PDF (Português (Brasil)) XML (Português (Brasil)) VIDEO (Português (Brasil))
The memory of the Spanish Civil War in Basque nationalism (1937-1960) Fernando Martínez Rueda PDF (Español) XML (Español)
From the house to the plaza? Agency and politicization in the trajectories of Adelina Dematti and Aída Bogo before joining the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo María Emilia Nieto PDF (Español) XML (Español)