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Particle speed determination models in blasting


This is an exposition of the results obtained with the use of different particles speed models, used during the blasts carried out in the company "Calizas y Agregados Boyacá S.A.", in order to consider and to control the  vibrations generated by blasts are direct product of the use of explosives for the  damage's level caused by the execution of these works. This investgation was made with the aim to monitor the vibrations induced by the blasts on the structures and cosntructions of interest, near the final design line of the limestone quarry pit, that belongs to this company, in Sáchica, Boyacá. 


vibrations, blasting, acceleration graphs machines

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  • Bollinger, G.A., (2006): Control de vibraciones producidas por voladuras, Chile, Universidad la Serena.
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  • U.S. Buerau of mines- RI 9455 Blast vibration impacting a distant community.


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