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Customs Efficiency in The Asia-Pacific Region and Trade Facilitation: A Metafrontrier Analysis


International trade is becoming important in the business world, so managing of each stage of the process to market goods internationally is crucial. Among these stages, a key moment is the passage of goods through customs, making customs offices play a crucial role in trade facilitation, since they enable commercial exchanges between countries. The objective of this article is to determine the efficiency of customs offices in the major economies of the Asia-Pacific region by applying a model using the DEA methodology with metafrontier approach. This method groups customs offices from economies considered developed and those regarded as less advanced with the region. The results indicate that Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and Singapore are the economies that lead in efficiency according to the findings of this research.

 JEL Codes: H0, H3, H8, F0, F2, F5

Received: 08/10/2023.  Accepted: 05/09/2024.  Published: 25/10/2024.


efficiency, trade facilitation, customs, DEA, metafrontier

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