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About the Journal

The Revista Inquietud Empresarial is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes original scientific and academic research in the field of business, management, production, and business economics on an ongoing basis. RIEM performs double-blind peer review of original research, case studies, methodologies, review articles, bibliometrics, and scientometrics. Papers related to the areas of sustainability, innovation, technology, entrepreneurship, production, service, and decision making are welcome. Papers that employ diverse analytical techniques, including statistical tools, qualitative tools, fuzzy systems, aggregation operators, and non-parametric models, are also considered. Furthermore, RIEM encourages the submission of papers that contribute to the interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, and transdisciplinary aspects of emerging issues in the field of business, management, production, and business economics.

The journal aims to provide researchers, managers, entrepreneurs, and policy makers with ideas and original research on topics of importance.

Indexed in  Google académicoRedib, Academia, DOAJEmerging Sources Citation Index, EuroPub

ISSN Impreso: 0121-1048

ISSN en Línea: 2422-3220


The Revista Inquietud Empresarial is aimed at researchers, managers, entrepreneurs, and policymakers.


Contribute to the generation of knowledge and to the solution of problems in the regional, national and international environment, through the construction of spaces that make possible the diffusion and visibility of socially useful scientific research products in the field of economic and managerial sciences.


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