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About the Journal

Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica Journal is a digital, open-access scientific publication of research articles in Spanish, English, French, and Portuguese. The journal is publish on a continuous basis, with two issues per year, and a "double-blind" peer review system for the selection of its contents.

The journal seeks to contribute to scientific knowledge in the following topics: language sciences: linguistics, grammar, phonetics and phonology, critical discourse analysis, psycholinguistics, semiotics, semio-linguistics, language and media, language and ICT, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, sociology of language, ethnolinguistics, pedagogical models and curricular design applied to language, linguistics applied to teaching, pedagogy of reading, pedagogy of writing and pedagogy of orality in Spanish.

Likewise, due to the nature of its contents, it is expected that the journal will be of interest to researchers in language sciences, specialists, graduate and Ph.D. students, and other professionals in training.

Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica is supported by the University Press of the Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia, under the “diamond” open access model, that is, it has no costs for the authors in any of stage of the publication process (neither submission nor processing of the articles).

Publishing Process

Authors interested in publishing in Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica must take into account the following aspects when applying for an article:

Originality. The journal seeks the publication of original works not yet published by other means. A work that is translated from another language is not considered original.

Copyright. The journal allows authors to retain copyright to their articles. However, for Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica, the submission of an article indicates that the author(s) certify(s) and accept(s) that:

The ideas and affirmations consigned by the authors are their responsibility and do not necessarily interpret the opinions and policies of the journal, nor do they necessarily respond to the opinion of its editor or of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia.

The reception of an article does not imply the commitment of the journal Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica for its publication.

Its reproduction and citation for academic purposes are authorized, explicitly indicating the source.

In addition, to regulate the relationship between the contents of the journal and its readers, the articles will be published under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial, No Derivative Works 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND) license

Code of Ethics. Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica adheres to the “Guide to good practices for journal editors” and other ethical guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), as well as the provisions of Habeas Data-Statutory Law 1266 of 2008, for the management of personal information in databases. Authors must avoid incurring unethical publishing behavior that compromises the quality or veracity of the results of the manuscripts they submit to the journal.

Peer Review. In the process of publishing the journal Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica, once the original article (manuscript) has been received, the Editorial Committee will define whether it meets both the technical standards established by the journal and the relevance, scientific and writing quality. Likewise, this will be reviewed by a plagiarism detector software, to determine its originality. If the document complies with these standards, it will be subject to review and evaluation by reviewers specialized in the particular thematic area, under the "double-blind" system, that is, throughout the evaluation process the identities of both the authors and the reviewers are concealed. Once their evaluation has been completed, the reviewers will send their opinion through the journal's portal. The evaluated article may have one of these three results: publishable, publishable with adjustments, or not publishable. When this is considered publishable with adjustments, the author is informed, who decides whether to commit to making them, and will communicate her/his decision in writing to the Editorial Committee

Simultaneous submission. The authors should not simultaneously submit the same manuscript to another journal, since this potentially compromises the originality and rights of a manuscript. The submission of the manuscript must be done strictly, following the rules for authors.

Use and Dissemination of Articles. It is essential that the authors, if they are researchers and university professors, actively participate in the dissemination of their articles among their students and colleagues in the area. The authors can get involved in dissemination strategies so that part of the scientific knowledge in their articles is communicated more pleasantly and its understanding and assimilation by a broader public is facilitated.