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The journal Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica adheres to the good practices, recommendations, and procedures proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for scientific journal publishing and subscribes to its 16 transparency principles:  

Transparency principles

As far as good publishing practices and transparency criteria are concerned, the recommendations of the 16 COPE principles are adopted. The following describes how the journal reflects such principles:

  1. Website: the journal runs on an Open Journal platform system and includes all true and up-to-date information on its focus, scope, thematic spectrum, editorial structure, policy, and procedures.
    2. Name of the Journal: the journal has been consistent with its name since its creation and does not give rise to misunderstandings with other publications.
    3. Peer Review Process: the journal thoroughly describes its peer review process under the "double-blind" system.
    4. Ownership and Management: the journal is sponsored by the Editorial Unit and the Master in Linguistics of the UPTC.
  2. Governing Body: the journal has an editorial structure that is published on its website and is made up of a chief editor, associate scientific editors, and an Editorial and Scientific Committee. It also has an Editorial and Production Coordination Area, in charge of supporting the management of the journal and all its technical and professional publication processes.
    6. Editorial Team/Contact Information: the journal includes complete information on its editorial structure, profiles, ORCID, or information on the online CV of its members.
    7. Copyright and Licenses: the journal declares which is its relationship with its authors in terms of the rights of the approved manuscripts and the relationship it establishes with its readers, through a Creative Commons license.
    8. Charges to the Author: the journal explicitly declares that it works under the "diamond" open access model, that is, that it has no submission or publication costs for its authors.
    9. Process to Identify and Handle Complaints of Misconduct in Research: the journal declares that it follows the COPE flowcharts (procedures) to handle potential cases of ethical dilemmas or misconduct in scientific research and publication.
    10. Ethics in Publication: the journal has an ethics policy that promotes scientific integrity and that translates into procedures to promote and verify the quality of manuscripts.
    11. Periodicity of the Publication: the frequency of the publication is indicated in the policies of the journal.
    12. Access: the policies specify how the access to the contents of the journal is; it has no subscription costs, and its access is open, under a Creative Commons license.
    13. Archiving: the journal has a preservation policy and declares it in its guidelines.
    14. Sources of Income: the journal is fully supported by the University Press and the Master in Linguistics Program. Its purpose is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the language sciences and the particularities of the Latin American context in the professional practice of linguistics.
    15. Advertising: The journal has no ads nor is interested in publishing any commercial information on services or products. Its focus is purely scientific and academic.
    16. Direct Marketing: the journal does not carry out direct marketing strategies nor does it have commercial purposes; It has no interest in that sense or charges for the authors. It intends to create a community of contributors (authors, reviewers, editors) and a diverse and inclusive audience of readers, within the particularities of its subject area.

    Roles and management of the journal

It is of special interest to the journal that all its collaborators (authors, reviewers, editors, and publishing professionals, among others) work with principles that promote and guarantee scientific integrity in all phases of the communication of scientific knowledge, ensuring that the manuscripts published in the journal transmit reliable, reproducible knowledge that helps both the advancement of science and the solution of problems in the area, with a real impact on professional practice.

Likewise, the journal will ensure that ethical practices permeate the entire operation of the journal, following COPE in one of its core practices on journal management.

Ethics and evaluation process

One of the first verifications that the journal will carry out when receiving a manuscript submission is to check its originality and its probable similarity with other works already published through an anti-plagiarism software.

If the inappropriate use of other works protected by copyright, of works already published, the fabrication or manipulation of data, or any other type of unethical conduct is detected, the journal may reject the submitted manuscript.

Also, if the authors involved in an incident that violates ethics or scientific integrity do not provide a satisfactory clarification, the journal, in the future, will not receive or process any submission from them again.

Ethical dilemmas

The journal Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica will follow the procedures suggested by COPE and its flowcharts, in the face of evidence of bad practices or ethical dilemmas in the manuscripts received or published.

Corrections and retractions

The journal may make corrections or retractions of works already published. Corrections will proceed when minor, but important errors are identified, that is, errors that do not greatly compromise the results of an investigation or its contents, but that may give rise to misunderstandings. It could also be errors in the information of the authors or another type of error associated with the bibliographic information of the article.

On the other hand, retractions will occur in cases where a serious problem is identified in an article, which compromises its results, reliability, or originality.

Therefore, each case will be studied by the editor and his/her team, and the pertinent actions will be taken, also following the COPE recommendations.

Ethical aspects of submission

Some ethical aspects associated with the submission or application of any manuscript are described below:

Statement of authorship, conflicts of interest

Authors must submit their manuscripts with a statement of authorship and originality. Likewise, they must present a conflict-of-interest form, duly signed by all the authors. Both documents must follow these journal templates:

Declaration of authorship
Conflict of interest

Also, it is requested that at the time of submission they submit a signed license, which may require updating once the article has been approved, if any modification was made to the title, as a result of the peer review process.

Petitions, complaints, complaints, and claims

The contributors or readers of the journal can get in touch with the editorial office through its official email (, to present to the Editor in Chief any type of request that provides clarity on any process associated with the manuscripts submitted or published, or to file a complaint, claim or potential risk about ethical problems in any work.

All requests will be processed, offering a probable answer timeline, according to their nature or complexity.