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Instructions for Authors

Focus and Scope

The journal Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica is a digital, open-access scientific publication of research articles in Spanish, English, French, and Portuguese. It has a continuous periodicity, with two issues per year, and a "double-blind" evaluation system for the selection of its contents.

The journal seeks to contribute to scientific knowledge in the following lines: language sciences: linguistics, grammar, phonetics and phonology, critical discourse analysis, psycholinguistics, semiotics, semio-linguistics, language and media, language and ICTs, sociolinguistics, pragmatics, sociology of language, ethnolinguistics, pedagogical models and curricular design applied to language, linguistics applied to teaching, pedagogy of reading, pedagogy of writing and pedagogy of orality in Spanish.

Likewise, due to the nature of its contents, it is expected that the journal will be of interest to researchers in language sciences, specialists, masters, Ph.D., and other professionals in training.

Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica is financed by the Editorial Unit of the Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, under the “diamond” open access model, that is, it has no costs for the authors in any of its phases (neither submission nor processing of the items).

Publishing Process

The publication process of Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica is subdivided into three main stages: content management, editorial production, and post-publication.

Content Management

Content management encompasses the call for authors, either for miscellaneous editions in language sciences or for special editions (with a thematic emphasis), the submission of articles, and peer review.

Editorial Production

Production is the professional editing process that all manuscripts approved for publication undergo. That process includes copyediting, metadata translation, design and layout, proofreading, and final approval for publication. In this phase, all the editorial normalization of the manuscripts that were approved by the peers is carried out, the texts and their graphic aspects are adapted to the guidelines of the journal, and all necessary editorial conventions for the identification and recovery of published works are included.


Post-publication involves all the actions that the editorial team projects and executes so that the contents published by the journal are disseminated, disclosed, and can be consulted, in this case, in open access, through the journal's platform and various indexing systems, for readers interested in language sciences.

The procedures included in each of these three stages will be explained in detail below.

Content Management


The call for authors will be open all year round, without interruptions and a specific calendar, for ordinary editions. In the case of special editions, the guest editor or the call for the number may establish a particular schedule and with the specific milestones that are deemed appropriate (call for abstracts, pre-selection, editorial filter, among others).

Publication Frequency

Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica has a continuous frequency, with two issues or editions a year.

Eventually, it will be able to launch supplements or extraordinary, thematic issues, on topics of interest determined by the editors or the Editorial or Scientific Committee.

Publication Languages

The journal accepts manuscripts originally written in Spanish, English, and Portuguese.

The metadata of the articles must be sent only in the original language in which the work was written. If the work is approved, the journal will carry out the technical translation of the metadata.

Types of Manuscripts

The journal Cuadernos de Lingüística Hispánica accepts the following types of original articles, as established by Publindex-Colciencias:

1) Research article (20 pages): a document that presents in detail the original results of completed research projects. The body of the work must contain the following sections: introduction, methodology, results
and discussion.

2) Reflection article (15 pages): a document that presents finished research results from an analytical, interpretive, or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.
3) Review articles (20 pages): a document resulting from a completed investigation, where the results of published or unpublished investigations on a field of science or technology are analyzed, systematized, and integrated, to account for the progress and development trends of language sciences. It is characterized by presenting a careful bibliographic review of at least 50 references.


NOTE: items that exceed the length indicated are not accepted.



Formal requirements for the presentation of articles

In any case, the authors must employ the following style and presentation instructions for the articles:


  1. Margins: letter format with 2.54 cm margins on each side.
  2. Spacing:the titles and subtitles will be registered with Arabic numerals up to the third level (for example 1.3.2). Footnotes must appear in Arabic numerals. These will be used only to clarify, explain or expand concepts or data that the author considers should be outside the text. It is recommended to avoid its excessive use.
  3. Line Spacing: 1.5
  4. Font: Arial 12. For textual citations with paragraph indentation: Arial 11, line spacing 1.0.
  5. Text Indentation:all paragraphs will be indented on the first line; Leave a blank space between one and the other, and between the different sections of the article.
  6. Titles and Subtitles: Titles and subtitles will be registered with Arabic numerals up to the third level (for example 1.3.2)
  7. Footnotes:footnotes must appear in Arabic numerals. These will be used only to clarify, explain or expand concepts or data that the author considers should be outside the text. It is recommended to avoid its excessive use.
  8. Tables and Figures:tables and figures must appear referenced and explained in the text. They must be titled, sequentially numbered, and accompanied by their respective image captions and source. They are located after the paragraph where they are announced. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain and deliver to the journal the permission for the publication of figures that require it.


In addition to the above requirements, the following must be considered: 

  1. The first page of the article must contain:
  • Title of the article: no more than 12 words, and the use of acronyms, symbols, and abbreviations will be avoided.
  • Name of the author(s) and email, ORCID identifier code. In a footnote, with a (*) symbol, it is essential to include the following:
  • Type of article (research, reflection, or review). Last academic degree and university that grants it, institution, and country where the author works. Name of the research group, if applicable. Origin of grants and support received if any. It is mandatory to have a fully completed ORCID (Open Researcher and Contribution ID)

    2. On the second page will appear an abstract and keywords. The abstract must have a maximum of 150 words and a minimum of 100, in which the author describes what she/he is going to develop in her/his article. Keywords must be included, a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 8, that account for the central themes, authors, and other topics to be highlighted in the article.
  • The abstract must present the following structure:

Purpose: (minimum 25, maximum 50 words)

Methodology: (minimum 25, maximum 50 words)

Results: (minimum 25, maximum 50 words)

Conclusions (minimum 25, maximum 50 words)

  • The journal will introduce an abstract in English, French, and Portuguese. Between three and six keywords should be included, chosen according to the UNESCO Thesaurus (

    From the third page onwardsmust appear introduction (description of the problem and objective of the article), the body of work (theoretical framework, methodology, results, and discussion), conclusions, and bibliographic references (APA standards, 7th edition).

Author Information

Authors must register with ORCID ( ) or submit their ORCID profile, with their data updated and available for consultation, mainly their institutional affiliation (employment), academic background (education and qualifications), and publications (works). For reasons of transparency and systematization of the information of the authors who participate in the journal, works by authors who are not registered in ORCID and who do not include their academic information there will not be processed.