Knowledge Management in Higher Education Institutions for the Social Appropriation of Knowledge
The purpose of this article is to reflect on the management of knowledge in Higher Education Institutions in Colombia IES for the social appropriation of knowledge, through research activities for the transfer of information and knowledge in an area of knowledge. The methodological route is of a qualitative type and is oriented on the analytical reflection of issues and bases of knowledge management in HEIs for the social appropriation of knowledge, based on establishing reflective horizons that allow understanding it. It was developed in two moments: In the first, conceptual discussions will be held on categories such as: region of knowledge and social appropriation of knowledge. In the second moment, the information processing and analysis was carried out. The results are focused on a new approach where the priority is transfer as a process of exchange and social appropriation of knowledge for innovation and social transformation. As the main conclusion, it considers that knowledge management implies for HEIs to recognize themselves as entities that generate, impact, transfer and promote knowledge as a process of exchange, and are not limited to its acquisition as is currently the case.
dissemination of knowledge, higher education, human resources, knowledge management, know-how transfer
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